Why Friendship With Spirits Is Dangerous

Why Friendship With Spirits Is Dangerous
Why Friendship With Spirits Is Dangerous

In fairy tales and mystical films, the hero often makes himself a "friend" - a spirit, genie or other astral entity. And this friend helps the hero to realize his cherished desires. In reality, this is possible, but there are pitfalls that can turn joy into trouble. Learn about safety rules when dealing with ethereal bodies.

Why friendship with spirits is dangerous
Why friendship with spirits is dangerous

Science fiction films about magic and mysticism often show how mediums communicate with spirits. And in some cases, genies even become friends. What is really going on? This is just the fantasy of the writers or something more.


In esotericism, there are cases of close communication with spirits, astral entities and other infernal subjects of the subtle world. Two questions arise: how to establish contact with borderline beings? And how dangerous or safe is it for humans?

Spiritualism, fortune telling with the attraction of spirits

Many unmarried girls prefer to tell fortunes for love, to find out when they will get married, who will be the spouse, or how the relationship with a loved one will develop. There are many ways to know your destiny. These are Tarot cards, and runes, and numerology, and astrology. All these methods require accurate calculations and the ability to interpret symbols and combinations of layouts. Two mystical methods stand apart. These are spiritualistic seances and divination in the mirror. Since they directly affect communication with otherworldly forces or entities of the astral plane.

When they conduct spiritualistic seances and evoke the spirit of this or that personality, the plate really reacts, moves. And it can point to letters by folding them into words. Thus, you can get the answer to your question. But, firstly, the answers in most cases are unreliable, and only reflect our deep subconscious attitudes and desires. Secondly, a random entity, a disembodied soul, comes into contact, and not the spirit whose worldly name we call. If you "make friends" with an astral entity, then it can really give hints. The danger here lies in dependence on these clues. It may happen that a person can no longer make independent decisions without consulting the spirit and completely trusts the advice. Gradually, a person begins to fulfill the will of the essence. She begins to pursue the medium both day and night, forcing, upon prompting, to perform certain actions. Can lead to suicide. It is very important to let go of the spirit after the session. If you neglect this rule, then the above risks will come true.

Mirror - a portal to other worlds

A common method of divination is a mirror. The girl lights two candles on the sides of the large dressing table, sits down opposite in the twilight and says: "The betrothed, dressed up, sit down with me for supper." You can make other wishes as well. After a while, a face or full-length figure will appear in the mirror. An inexperienced fortuneteller will instinctively turn around, since we are accustomed to the fact that the background of the room is reflected in the mirror. But in no case should you turn around at such moments. The person receives an energetic blow and may die. It would seem that what difference does a person sits quietly or turns. There is nothing surprising. There are certain laws of energy exchange. After all, we are not surprised when we hear about "step voltage". If a live wire falls to the ground, and a person is standing nearby, then a step voltage occurs. An attempt by a person to take a step leads to electric shock, often fatal. You can leave the danger zone only with small steps, "goose step".

The mirror is an amazing magic tool. It opens the gates to the astral world. Moreover, it acts unilaterally, like a diode in electronics or a valve. The essences of the subtle world can penetrate from there into our world, but the reverse movement is impossible. If you follow the rules of precaution, then access to the astral plane can tell about the past, present and future. Entities on the astral level may become regular guests, but one should keep an eye out for them, as in the case of spiritualism.

Astral mistresses and lovers

Some of the more sensitive and hysterical natures can attract sexual demons. An incubus is a kind of astral essence of a male image, and a succubus is a female incorporeal individual. Despite the fact that these entities do not have flesh, they are capable of performing sexual acts with their victims. And the sensations in people are so real that it is almost impossible to distinguish sex with astral lovers from sex with living people. All five senses are involved: sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell. Do not be surprised at this phenomenon. After all, we perceive the world around us with our brain. And it doesn't matter how the information gets there - through the sensors of the sense organs or by wave path directly to the brain centers. In a state of sleep, during meditation or under hypnosis, a person is also able to fully feel and perceive objects that are absent in the material plane.

And although sex with incubi and succubi is a fabulous pleasure, it is a very dangerous activity. The fact is that these entities take energy from a person. Over time, they can completely empty its reserves, and the victim will begin to waste away and may die. There is an immutable law of the Universe: nothing is given for free. You have to pay or pay for everything. Incidentally, this is consistent with Newton's law of conservation of energy. If you "made friends" with an entity from the subtle world, and she provides you with advice or performs other actions for you, then you must pay for this. There are no strict prices. But the return from you must be obligatory. Already in ancient times, sacrifices were invented so as not to be dependent on debtors from gods and spirits. You can also donate something for your astral friends. It can be food, flowers, insects (replacement for sacrificial animals). You can write gratitude on a piece of paper and burn it. The main thing is that your actions have a ritual meaning. That is, you should consciously make sacrifices for a specific entity as a token of gratitude, which should be said aloud.
