What And Why Is The Witch's Hour Dangerous?

What And Why Is The Witch's Hour Dangerous?
What And Why Is The Witch's Hour Dangerous?

A rare person has never woken up in the middle of the night in his life. Sleep is often interrupted between 3 am and 4 am. This time is called the witch's (devil's) hour and is considered quite dangerous.

Witch hour
Witch hour

There is a lot of information that at the moment when the time on the clock shows 12:00 (00:00) at night, the border between the world of the living and the world of the dead is erased. Doors open to another reality. Therefore, according to legends, at this time it is not recommended to stand on the threshold / in the doorway, is somewhere on the border of light and shadow, and so on, so as not to collide with entities and beings, so as not to fall into a time loop or not to meet with representatives of the afterlife … After all, such collisions for unprepared people can turn into unpleasant consequences.

However, it is not only twelve at night - the time is magical. The witch's hour, which is sometimes also called the devil's hour, the hour of the bull and the holy hour, comes at 03:00 at night. However, some sources indicate that the "witch time" begins at around two o'clock in the morning. But it always lasts until four in the morning.

It is worth noting that not only esotericists and sorcerers focus on this time of day. In the scientific community, including the medical one, there is evidence that this time is dangerous. As a rule, during this period of the night, most sudden deaths occur, including in sleep or at the moment of sudden awakening.

Why the witch's hour is dangerous: scientific opinion

In the period from three in the morning to four in the morning, a person is most vulnerable, he is practically not protected from any threat and danger, at the physical or subtle - mental - level.

By this night time, the human body is, as a rule, in the stage of deep sleep. At this time, all processes of the body slow down, body temperature drops greatly, blood pressure decreases, feelings, including the reaction to pain, become dull. Breathing becomes slow, rare. And one of the dangers that lies in wait at this moment is sleep paralysis.

According to medical statistics, it also follows that attacks of sleep apnea (respiratory arrest) most often occur in the specified time interval. In addition, it was found that elderly people or individuals with any serious diseases (heart, respiratory system, oncology, and so on) often wake up at three or four in the morning due to terrible health, pressure drops, pain. The mortality rate at this time jumps sharply, and the percentage of suicides also increases, including among mentally ill people.

It is worth noting that at the witch hour, unstable or very sensitive people may experience outbursts of abnormal activity, often increased irritability, aggression, affective and impulsive reactions. In such a state, a person can harm both others and himself.

The danger of the witch hour
The danger of the witch hour

What is the danger of the devil's hour: the opinion of magicians and esotericists

Magicians and esotericists believe that it is at a given night time that various negative effects on a person are carried out. Corruption can be induced, entities or deceased can move in. At the same time, the likelihood of even an unconscious exit to the astral plane or to other thin layers, where a person has his own - hidden and not so - threats, increases. In such trips, there is a high probability of "picking up" any essence on your own, which afterwards can affect your well-being, financial situation, mood and, in general, on life.

Why is the witch's (devil's) hour still dangerous? At this time, a person is especially sensitive to any suggestions and influences. Even those individuals who at other times easily resist attempts from the outside to impose any attitudes on them, remain practically defenseless at the hour of the witch. Hypnotic and telepathic influence during this time works perfectly well.

This night time poses a threat to humans and for the reason that from about three in the morning until four in the morning there is a noticeable surge of paranormal activity. Scientists still cannot give a normal explanation for why various catastrophes and any frightening events occur so often at the devil's hour. According to beliefs, it follows that at this time all evil spirits have greater power, and therefore they begin to mischievous or harm people.
