The mysterious world of dreams gives a person amazing opportunities. Only in this magical world can you soar under the clouds like a bird. The language of animals and plants becomes clear to you. With amazing ease you find yourself in the distant past and open the veil into the unknown future.

The icon is a picturesque symbol of higher powers
Dreams allow you to look into the most secret corners of your consciousness, to fulfill the most daring and fantastic dreams and desires, to fully reveal your creative and spiritual potential. Often, it is in a dream that the most difficult issues are solved and clues to long-standing secrets are found.
Some dreams bring joy and fun, others plunge you into longing and sadness. There are dreams that you forget about a minute after waking up. And there are dreams that will impress you for a lifetime.
You will remember for a long time the dream in which the icon appeared to you. Picturesque images of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, Saints and Pleasures are the link between God and man. Icons always bear the stamp of deep spirituality, divine principle and genuine purity. Iconic faces in dreams are evidence of the interference of higher spiritual forces in your life.
What a man could dream of an icon
Before turning to the solution to the meaning of the dream in which you saw the holy images, listen carefully to your inner tuning fork. What mark did this dream leave in your soul? Perhaps he brought you enlightenment and quiet joy. Or maybe he alerted and saddened …
The icons seen in the house undoubtedly mean that your home is under the auspices of divine powers. In such a house it will be joyful and calm. But the iconographic images on the walls of the church predict the trials through which you have to go.
It is necessary to gather strength and adequately endure the upcoming adversity.
Be very careful about sleeping with a talking icon. Try to remember every word and intonation. After all, you have been given a holy parting word, wish or warning.
The myrrh-streaming icon is a great miracle both in a dream and in reality. Such a dream gives hope and light, especially to sincerely believing people.
Have you decided to buy an icon in a dream? Means you need reliable support and help. But by selling an icon painting, you are deprived of heavenly mentoring. The inverted icon warns: you are on the verge of committing a sinful act.
By kissing holy images, you are saved from the fall and temptation.
Burning icons are a very bad sign. Having seen such a dream, try to avoid a fatal mistake in your life. The crying icon warns of impending troubles and sorrows.
The image of the Virgin is of particular importance for women. Her appearance in a dream promises peace and quiet for your family. And for young girls it portends an imminent marriage. Fear the discontent of the blessed virgin Mary. Change your life, fill it with love and faith.