A rare story about vampires is not complete without the most important vampire - Count Dracula, who has been stirring the hearts of people with his devilish personality for more than one century.

It can be assumed with a high probability that most people have heard the story, watched a movie or read a work about the world's most famous bloodsucker, Count Dracula. However, the legends of the merciless bloodsuckers date back to ancient times.
Count Dracula
The most famous vampire firmly entered the hearts and minds of people after the publication of Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula", which was created in 1897. Thanks to the active development of cinema, television and mass communications, the image of the main antagonist of the novel was replicated, repeatedly modified and changed beyond recognition. Dracula's children, opponents, many legends about his life and other free interpretations of the image appeared.
The image of Dracula gained massive popularity in the second half of the 20th century.
It is assumed that the legendary real person - Vlad III Dracula (Tepes) served as the prototype of the bloodsucker. Vlad III was the harsh ruler of Wallachia (modern-day Romania) in the Middle Ages. The nickname "Dracula" was still assigned to Dracula's father, Vlad II, who was a member of the Knightly Order of the Dragon, whose symbolism was a dragon coiled into a ring. The nickname "Tepes" was given by the Turks only 30 years later, it means "stake" in translation. It is assumed that impinging was the favorite method of execution for the ruler of Wallachia. However, it is worth emphasizing that Vlad III distinguished himself by a fierce struggle against the Turkish yoke and significantly weakened the position of the latter on the territory of modern Romania and Hungary. Therefore, the desire of the Turks to present Vlad III as a despot, tyrant and murderer, which he may have been in relation to the Turkish invaders, is quite reasonable.
Count Dracula's literary and real castles
The majestic medieval castle in Transylvania, which is positioned as the home of the bloody count, is called Bran, and is located 30 kilometers from Brasov. The structure, built in the XIV century, has several towers, including a donjon, a courtyard and a number of outbuildings, in addition to the main building. According to the legends, Vlad stayed at the castle several times and even liked to hunt in its picturesque surroundings, which abound in dense forests. It must be admitted that the castle looks very colorful and appropriate, so few people doubt the truth of folk legends.
The castle is the private property of a descendant of the Romanian kings - Dominic of Habsburg. The castle is open to the public for tourist purposes, so many tourists have the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of the Middle Ages and get imbued with the ominous legends of Dracula.
The house of Vlad III is absolutely not like an ancient castle of the Middle Ages.
The present building where Vlad III lived is located in the historical part of the Romanian city of Sighisoara. This is a simple three-storey building, not distinguished by an abundance of decorative elements.