Jade is a semi-precious stone that is used not only in jewelry but also in medicine. Due to its properties, discovered several centuries ago, it was highly valued and even ranked as sacred.

Scientists attribute jade to jade - silicates of calcium, iron and magnesium. On the Mohs scale, its hardness is 6, 0-6, 5 units. Thin plates of the product can transmit light, and the silky shine at the fracture becomes glassy after polishing.
Jade can rightfully be considered a unique stone. This is one of the most viscous and durable ornamental stones that exist in nature.
In terms of strength, jade can compete with steel, and with a strong impact, only a small depression will appear on its surface, however, the stone itself will not crack. It will be possible to cut it only with a diamond.
There are different types of jade. First of all, they differ in color, depending on the content of impurities in the stone. The most common color of jade is green. It can be marsh, grassy, light green, emerald green and yellow-green. Red, blue, black and white jades are much less common. Jade, which repeats the color of the cat's eye stone, is considered unique.
There are jade deposits in many countries. One of the largest is located in New Zealand. Jade is also mined in Russia, USA, China, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Poland. According to scientists, the resources of this mineral are still far from depletion.
Jade has been used by people since the time of the primitive system. The ancients used it to create weapons and durable work tools. Sculptures were also made from it, for example, a six-meter statue of Buddha in China. It was often seen in jewelry.
Today, jewelry with jade is in great demand: rings, brooches, necklaces.
This stone has various magical and healing properties. Even ancient Chinese philosophers personified him with the best spiritual qualities of a person. Its hardness was read as a symbol of justice and moderation, soft brilliance was associated with mercy, purity with wisdom, translucency with honesty, and changeability with courage. In ancient China, he symbolized power, immortality and perfection and was valued above precious metals - silver and gold.
Many centuries ago, nephritis was most often used to treat diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. It's all about its high heat capacity. In addition, a slightly warm mineral was applied to wounds and bruises. This was believed to speed up the healing process.
Nowadays, jade balls are used in many spas for face and body massage. This procedure improves blood circulation, promotes tissue regeneration, helps relieve fatigue and reduce skin laxity. In turn, green jade beads will help get rid of heart palpitations, normalize sleep, and calm the nervous system.
If we turn to the horoscope, then jade is suitable for absolutely all signs of the zodiac. He "develops fairly even, neutral relations" with all of its owners. Jade has the most beneficial effect on Pisces, Aquarius, Cancers. He brings positive and harmony to their lives.