How To Make A House Out Of Matches

How To Make A House Out Of Matches
How To Make A House Out Of Matches

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Building a house from matches is a rather painstaking process. If you decide to make such a craft, try to choose the same matches. Follow the instructions and you will definitely succeed in creating such a beautiful home.

How to make a house out of matches
How to make a house out of matches

It is necessary

  • - matches;
  • - box for discs;
  • - two-ruble coin.


Step 1

Place the disc box in front of you on the table and start assembling the house. To do this, take two matches. Place them parallel to each other at a short distance, about 2 cm. Then make a flooring of eight matches. Try to place them so that the heads of the material are pointing to one side. You should get an even square.

Step 2

Lay another layer, place the matches perpendicular to the bottom flooring. Thus, build a well, consisting of seven rows. Try to make the cube even. Put the heads of the well matches in a circle. Carefully make a flooring of eight matches on top of it. Position the material of the upper deck opposite to the lower one.

Step 3

Then build a second layer perpendicular to the first of the six matches. Place the last two later. Press the constructed structure on top with a coin and hold it a little. This is done so that the matches do not stick to your fingers, otherwise the house may collapse.

Step 4

The top of the well should look like a grate. Gently holding the house with one finger, insert four matches into its corners between the floorings, point the heads up. Spread the material of the lower layers with an auxiliary match. Make sure that the house does not slide to the side from the lower matches. Carefully insert the material vertically along all walls. Move the layers apart with another match and press the house with your finger. The material heads should be flush.

Step 5

Remove the coin with tweezers. In order for our house to stand for a long time, you need to squeeze all its sides well. Flip the house over and reinforce the bottom with another layer of matches. The square of the material heads is the foundation of the structure. Build walls, they will consist of vertical and horizontal layers of matches. First, place vertical matches on all sides of the house.

Step 6

Then lay the horizontal wall decking. Place the matches in a circle, alternate the heads and ends of the material with each other. Press down the heads of the horizontal matches so that they press down on the layer of the adjacent face. Make a roof. To do this, insert the material into the corner holes and slightly push the vertical wall matches from below. Then pull them halfway up.

Step 7

Lay the roof layer perpendicular to the top deck. Between protruding vertical matches, place the material with the heads towards the middle. The resulting house can be decorated with a pipe, windows and a door.
