People whose birthday falls from November 23 to December 21 are born under the sign of Sagittarius. It is ruled by Jupiter and belongs to the element of Fire, symbolizing activity and energy. The fire of Sagittarius can be compared to the beam of a searchlight illuminating the dark horizon. It is customary to portray him in the form of a centaur shooting an arrow. This is a symbol of tremendous vital energy directed towards higher goals.

Sagittarius activity
The activity of the representatives of this zodiac sign is directly related to their immediate environment. This does not mean the presence of a tense situation between Sagittarius and the outside world. The fact is that these people tend to lead others. Streltsov does it quite well.
Monetary situation Streltsov
Sagittarius do not put money above all else, nevertheless, they pay due attention to it. They are generous, but they will not throw money away. If a Sagittarius sees the prospect of profit or career growth, he will not regret any funds to implement this.
Sagittarius and travel
Since Sagittarius are active individuals, they love speed. For them, the faster the better. In addition to speed, comfort and convenience play an important role in travel for this zodiac sign.
Home life of Sagittarius
Sagittarius love and appreciate home comfort, but their active nature constantly requires some kind of experimentation. They want to change the atmosphere in the house from time to time. Sagittarius are endowed with a sense of beauty, so they will never ruin their interior.
Love and marriage
Sagittarius are amorous natures, which constantly pushes them to seek adventure. At the same time, they do not even think that problems can await them with those who are nearby. The more inaccessible a person is, the more he will beckon the representative of this sign. A lot can be forgiven for their partner, but not betrayal. After this, they ruthlessly break off the relationship, although this brings them great suffering.
Sagittarius can be attributed to the category of people who are looking for their ideal all their lives. Earlier marriage is unusual for them. Sagittarius are extremely independent and freedom-loving, so they see marriage as a bunch of obligations that have fallen on their heads. An alliance based on free relationships can be quite successful.
Life plans and goals of Sagittarius
Sagittarius tend to plan everything in detail, considering several options for the development of events at once. They usually know exactly what they are doing. The goals set for this zodiac sign don't become an obsession. If a Sagittarius sees that, for objective reasons, it will not be possible to achieve a result, he easily changes his direction.
Sagittarius and work
Sagittarius strive for a job in which earnings would directly depend on the effort invested. Therefore, they often find themselves in the business area. They make good translators. The inherent need for Sagittarius to communicate and be the center of attention contributes to the fact that they make good teachers, sales and advertising agents, managers. Business qualities are revealed in them only if there is no strict control over them. The main thing in work for these people is not a career, but diversity and richness.
Sagittarius health
The most sensitive areas of Sagittarius are the lungs, liver, upper and lower extremities. Their increased activity often causes various injuries. However, these people do not stay in hospitals for a long time, because they recover surprisingly quickly.