What Sign Is Suitable For Sagittarius Men

What Sign Is Suitable For Sagittarius Men
What Sign Is Suitable For Sagittarius Men

The Sagittarius man is very amorous and fickle, therefore astrologers recommend that he look for suitable partners among the same independent and loving signs - representatives of the air and fire elements. With them, he develops an easy and mutually beneficial relationship. Water and earth signs are less suitable for Sagittarius, however, among them he can find a quite suitable companion.


Sagittarius man compatibility with air signs

The most suitable zodiac signs for Sagittarius are Gemini and Libra. Gemini and Libra women understand Sagittarius' desire for freedom very well and do not try to limit him in anything. In such couples, complete emotional harmony will reign, since these partners have the same views on relationships and family.

The Aquarius woman is also a good match for Sagittarius. She knows how to channel his inexhaustible energy in a constructive direction better than others. But none of the partners strives for stability and family life, so these relationships do not always end in marriage.

Sagittarius man compatibility with fire signs

Among the fire signs for the Sagittarius man, the best partner is Leo. Such a union is quite common in life. A woman and a man in this pair understand each other perfectly and have many common hobbies, so they can easily make their life together look like an endless holiday. With an Aries woman, Sagittarius can have a passionate, but short-term romance: she is too jealous and demanding for a relationship with such a freedom-loving man.

With a woman of his sign, Sagittarius can also have a stormy romance, in which there will be a lot of passion and bright moments. The Sagittarius man and woman perfectly satisfy each other's needs, because they need the same thing: romance, travel and fresh impressions. But for a long-term relationship, this union is less successful, since the joint life of this couple is filled with conflicts and mutual nit-picking.

Sagittarius man compatibility with earth signs

Sagittarius is poorly compatible with representatives of the earthly element. Earth signs strive to create strong and stable relationships, and the Sagittarius man, with his inconstancy and frivolity, is completely unsuitable for this. However, he can have a bright love union with a Taurus woman. Although both are very different from each other and have different life goals, true love between them is quite possible.

Sagittarius man compatibility with water signs

Reaching an understanding with the signs of the water element is the most difficult for Sagittarius, so such unions are quite rare. True, Scorpio and Pisces can attract a romantic Sagittarius man with their mystery. There is a mutual attraction between these signs, which can develop into a love affair, but Sagittarius will not be able to build long and harmonious relationships with women of water signs. They need a deep emotional connection with their partner, which goes against the Sagittarius man's desire for independence.
