The Cancer man shows slowness and thoroughness in all areas of life, so he can spend many years looking for a soul mate. He takes family values very seriously, so astrologers recommend that men of this zodiac sign choose a partner among the same reliable and faithful signs. These include representatives of the earth and water elements. Cancer's relationship with fire and air signs is much worse.

Cancer man compatibility with water signs
The Cancer man has very good compatibility with all representatives of the zodiac signs of the water element. With a Cancer woman, he is united by common character traits and the same life aspirations. There is harmony and love in this couple, but both are too attached to the family hearth and risk turning their relationship into a habit. To prevent this from happening, partners should spend more time playing outside the home and interacting with people.
In the Cancer-Scorpio pair, the dominant role is usually played by a woman. She is able to inspire the cautious and slow Cancer for career exploits and make many positive changes in his life. However, in such an alliance, the Scorpio woman often suppresses the chosen one with excessive demands. For complete harmony in a relationship, she needs to learn to accept him for who he is. The union of the Cancer man and the Pisces woman can also be quite successful and lasting. Both of these zodiac signs are characterized by emotionality, sensitivity and daydreaming. It is easy for them to be together, and there are practically no quarrels in their relationship.
Cancer man compatibility with earth signs
Cancer has the best compatibility with the signs of the zodiac that belong to the earth element. With Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, he can build a very strong and stable relationship. Women of earth signs are tuned in to create a family, therefore, they are able to make the life of a Cancer man happy and harmonious. True, quite often a partner in such an alliance is unhappy with the passivity and slowness of Cancer. But his positive qualities almost always prevail, so an alliance with a representative of the earth element is often the most successful.
Cancer man compatibility with air signs
Among the air signs of the zodiac, the Libra woman is most suitable for Cancer. But such unions are very rare: both Cancer and Libra are very indecisive, and usually neither of them takes the initiative. With Gemini, Cancer can have a passionate love relationship, but they very rarely turn out to be long. An alliance with Aquarius, a Cancer man should be avoided: with a representative of this sign, he will never be able to live a well-established family life, which he so aspires to.
Cancer man compatibility with fire signs
The only fire sign with which Cancer can have a fairly harmonious relationship is Aries. The woman of this zodiac sign idealizes love relationships and is looking for companions of a faithful and reliable companion, which goes very well with the life aspirations of the Cancer man. But Aries will have to adapt to his slow pace of life. However, the tenderness and warmth of Cancer's soul can conquer the heart of the Aries woman forever. Combinations with other signs of the fire element are much less successful. The lioness is too active and ambitious, and the Sagittarius is too frivolous and independent, so a Cancer man is unlikely to be able to build harmonious relationships with them.