The assortment of Christmas tree decorations today meets any, the most sophisticated tastes of buyers today. But even this “toy” abundance does not discourage folk craftsmen from making something original with their own hands.

Step 1
The fact that it is simple and affordable can be seen on the example of an original paper basket in the shape of a heart. Cut out a couple of 7x7 cm squares of different colors, then fold in half, make 4 vertical cuts approximately half a square, and round off the edges with scissors on the opposite side of the edge.
Step 2
Place the resulting elements at an angle of 900 to each other, intertwine the cut strips and glue them together. It remains to glue a narrow strip of paper or a piece of Christmas tree rain to the resulting basket. Even a child can make such a toy.
Step 3
The next version of a paper toy is a ball. To make it, prepare three identical pieces of multi-colored cardboard or thick paper and then cut three identical circles out of them. After that, in the center of the first circle, make a cross-shaped slot in half the radius of the circle, in the second - one horizontal slot in the center with a size of a radius and two small slots from the edges perpendicular to it also in half the radius.
Step 4
On the third circle, make four cuts perpendicular to each other in a half radius. Fold the last circle in half and thread it into the slot of the second circle. Then fold them in half and slide them into the cruciform slot of the first circle and straighten out what you get. The ball should be three intersecting planes. It remains to attach a thread to it and hang it on the tree.
Step 5
A Christmas tree toy can even be made from an ordinary egg. However, you must first delete its contents. Use an awl or thick needle to poke two holes in the egg on opposite sides. Everything should be done very carefully so as not to destroy the shell.
Step 6
After removing the yolk and whites, rinse the vacated space with water and vinegar. The resulting blank can be painted at your discretion and under a spruce cone, and under a bell.
Step 7
You can even use nail polish as paints for painting. You can hang such a toy on a Christmas tree using a fastener left over from an old broken toy or, in its absence, a thread with a knot at the end, threaded through the holes.