How To Raise Money In Feng Shui: 5 Tips

How To Raise Money In Feng Shui: 5 Tips
How To Raise Money In Feng Shui: 5 Tips

It so happens that a person works hard, but still cannot achieve a stable financial situation. If such a situation has developed in life, it makes sense to turn to Feng Shui and try to activate the energy of money in the house. What do I need to do?

How to raise money in Feng Shui: 5 tips
How to raise money in Feng Shui: 5 tips

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui assumes the harmonization of the flows of various energies in the space around a person. Each separate part of the apartment is responsible for a specific area of life. Observing certain rules of this teaching, you can improve health, attract love and stability into your life, and also improve your financial situation.

The zone responsible for money is located in the southeast part of the room. It is this area that should always be clean, tidied up. It should not be forced with furniture and, of course, this area should not be littered. Otherwise, monetary energy will flow incorrectly, or its flow will simply be blocked, because of which difficult times may come in a person's life, when money will not be enough even for household needs. Therefore, before strengthening the monetary energy with the help of Feng Shui, you need to put in order the necessary area.

Feng Shui to Attract Money: 5 Essential Tips

  1. Colors will help strengthen the money zone. To activate the energy of money in Feng Shui, purple, yellow (gold), green and red tones should be added to the interior of the desired area.
  2. Finance is very often compared to water, especially when money literally flows away in incredible amounts and you can't save money. There is a way to make sure that money does not flow away like water, but, on the contrary, flows into your hands. To do this, add images / photographs of water (waterfalls, lakes, seas, and so on) to the southeastern zone. If possible, then it is worth placing a decorative fountain in the right part of the room or putting a small aquarium. By the way, if you put goldfish into the aquarium, then such an action will further affect the monetary energy.
  3. To attract money with the help of Feng Shui, you need to put a money tree, bamboo, or a pot of some kind of citrus (orange, lemon) in the southeastern region. If there is no way to grow such plants at home, you can use artificial options or individual elements, for example, decorate the money area with artificial tangerines. If, nevertheless, a living plant is used, then three to five coins of different denominations must be buried in the ground in order to increase the impact on the money zone in the apartment.
  4. Certain talismans have special power, which, according to Feng Shui, are able to bring additional income to the house. These include figurines of toads with coins, figurines in the form of owls, rats / mice. You can hang on the wall in the desired area a picture of red carps, which are also symbols of material income. Oriental talismans will have special power, for example, special Chinese coins with a red thread or a figurine of a pot-bellied cheerful Hotei.
  5. It will be useful to put a piggy bank in the southeastern part of the room, which needs to be replenished from time to time. To attract money in Feng Shui, images of bills and coins are also suitable, they can even be hidden under glass, hung in a frame on the wall as an additional interior decor. Using coin beads in the money zone will also have a positive impact on energy flows and can attract finance.
