The Magical Secrets Of Rainwater

The Magical Secrets Of Rainwater
The Magical Secrets Of Rainwater

A wonderful time of warm rains is coming. The rain gives the skin freshness, lightness and even washes away the negative. Those who know the secrets of rainwater can use it for their own good.

The magical secrets of rainwater
The magical secrets of rainwater

Now let's find out all the magical secrets of rainwater. The main secret: you need to collect water at a specific time.

1. At 6-7 o'clock in the morning: this water helps to focus on work, new ideas and non-standard solutions come with it.

2. At 7-8 o'clock in the morning: clears thoughts, relieves headaches. Washes away the impressions of bad dreams.

3. At 8-9 o'clock in the morning: energizes, tones up for the whole day. Helps to revitalize the brain. Helps with mental stress.

4. At 9-10 o'clock in the morning: drives away depression and melancholy. Relieves bad thoughts and depression.

5. At 10-11 am: has a beneficial effect on the heart. Awakens creative urges and fills with active energy.

6. At 11-12 am: strengthens the nerves, gives a feeling of calm, harmony, relaxation.

7. At 12-13 o'clock in the afternoon: removes the evil eye, aggression, envy, damage. Relieves irritation and bad thoughts towards other people.

8. At 13-14 o'clock in the afternoon: sharpens the reading of thoughts, the ability to see the future, intuition. Helps to reveal their spiritual and esoteric abilities.

9. At 14-15 o'clock in the afternoon: relaxes, calms the nerves. Good for the psyche.

10. At 15-16 o'clock in the afternoon: helps the emergence of unusual ideas and knowledge. Helps to open the ability to prophecy.

11. At 16-17 o'clock in the afternoon: extinguishes aggression, helps to establish good contacts, enlightens thinking in a peaceful way.

12. At 17-18 o'clock in the afternoon: returns peace to the family, builds relationships in the family. Promotes decision-making in life. How do you use rainwater?

Washing your face in the rain, wetting your feet, chest, back, hair is the best use of water. You can also fill a glass or plastic dish with water at the time indicated above and wash when you need it. Instead of rainwater, spring water can be used. Water collected at any time is certainly useful and important. In the old days, all families had a tradition, in the summer rain, the whole family went outside and plunge into the rain with thoughts and body. Even psychologists say that rain renews feelings and emotions.
