Beading is a very popular type of needlework. From small beads, you can weave not only beautiful jewelry, but also make spectacular crafts for interior decoration, for example, make a birch.

It is necessary
- - green beads - 5 g;
- - special wire for beading;
- - thick copper wire;
- - black floss threads;
- - PVA glue;
- - alabaster or gypsum;
- - acrylic paints of white and black colors;
- - scissors;
- - nippers;
- - pliers;
- - flower pot.
Step 1
To weave the twigs, cut off a piece of special wire for beading 40 cm long. String 8 beads on it, lock them into a ring and twist the wire under it, making 7-10 turns. You should get a loop that looks like a leaf.
Step 2
String 8 more beads onto one end of the wire. Make a loop and twist the wire underneath as described above. Then twist both ends of the wire a few more times and make another sheet on the other end of the wire in the same way. Make a twig with 7-8 leaves. Prepare 3 pieces of such blanks.
Step 3
Weave about 30 pieces of twigs with a different number of leaves on them from 1 to 20. You can make more, it all depends on how big the tree you want to make and how lush its crown should be.
Step 4
Form birch branches. Take the 3 shortest twigs. Place them together and twist the wire. You will get the crown of the tree. In the same way, make the rest of the branches, twisting the ends of the wire 3 pieces. Then make larger branches. Fold the prepared blanks 2-3 together, staggered and twist.
Step 5
Screw a thick copper wire for the trunk to the top of the birch crown. Attach the remaining branches to it.
Step 6
To keep the trunk of the birch tree fairly thick, screw several pieces of thick copper wire to it with pliers.
Step 7
In an unnecessary plate, dilute gypsum or alabaster with water until the consistency of thick sour cream. Place the future bead birch in a flower pot and pour the prepared mass.
Step 8
Apply plaster of Paris to the tree trunk, trying to imitate bark. Leave the craft to dry for a day. After that, wrap the birch branches tightly with floss threads. Coat them with PVA glue to secure.
Step 9
Paint the barrel with white acrylic paint. Then apply black paint strokes. Decorate the surface of the flower pot with moss, birch bark, stones or green beads.