You have decided to send your child to a music school for a piano class. But the question arose before you how to choose the right tool. There could be no problems if there is a person in your family who understands this issue. If not, then you yourself will have to decide which choice to make.

Step 1
First you need to decide if you want to buy a new or a supported tool. Each option has its own advantages. The new piano is guaranteed for a period of 5 years. Plus, it will be delivered to your home and set up for free. In addition, new modern tools, when properly used, have enormous operational potential. Its only drawback is the price. Therefore, many people give their preference to supported tools.
Step 2
When choosing and purchasing a used piano, the presence of a master is required, as the instrument may have a number of defects. And they, in turn, can only be identified by a specialist.
Step 3
But if you choose a piano yourself, then you should pay special attention to some details. Take a closer look at the tool's cast iron frame. It should contain information about the manufacturer and the year of manufacture. This way you can set the age of the piano. The piano is considered to be a durable instrument, with an average life of approximately 40 years. So "old age" is a relative term in this case. But it is no secret that the quality of the old manufacturing firms is much better.
Step 4
It is also advisable to ask the owners for the number of previous owners. If this is the first owner, you need to ask if your passport has been preserved. Also, find out if the tool has been moved many times.
Step 5
Pay attention to the appearance of the piano and find out how many years ago the instrument was last serviced, when it was tuned, repaired. Examine carefully the appearance of the tool, the presence of mechanical damage - chips, cracks, scratches. It is they who can testify to the frequency of movement of the instrument. And frequent moving, in turn, could cause various defects. Sometimes, repairing a tool can even exceed the price you bought it for.
Step 6
An important role when buying a piano is played by the remoteness of the instrument from the heater. Remember that the instrument must be at least 2 meters away from the batteries.