"Vanilla" is the name of a youth subculture that appeared in our country not so long ago. Numerous stereotypes and rumors are associated with "vanilla". But there are distinctive features that will definitely tell you that this is "vanilla".

Have you ever met modern girls who would consider themselves romantic, addicted to fashion and expensive gadgets, suffering from lost love and loving sweets? Here is a rough portrait of the so-called "vanilla". Say, are all girls like that now? And yet, "vanilla" is a direction of youth subculture, which means that this direction has its own "laws of the genre".
"Vanilla" as a direction of youth subculture appeared quite recently - at the beginning of 2010. Such an original name was given to the direction, most likely, by girls, vulnerable and romantic, who were distinguished by their love for everything sweet, sweet and tender. "Vanilla" are very close to the hipster subculture and are similar to them, both in their preferences in clothing and technology, and in internal features.
The development of the vanilek subculture is not accidental. Young people have always tried to stand out in some way among adults and their peers, proving that adolescents are also worth something. With the development of social networks and rapidly changing gadgets, those teenagers who have the most fashionable device in order to plunge headlong into virtual communication, movies and music stand out. Therefore, their flight from reality and their protest against all the other "vanilla" is expressed through complete immersion in virtuality.
Essentially, "vanilla" is a cross between "emo" and "glamorous". They love to flaunt the tragedy of their life and depression, but they are not averse to dressing fashionably. The life of such adolescents is filled with sad statuses on social networks, an addiction to everything English or American, although their love may not extend to the knowledge of the language and culture of these countries. The well-known stereotype that the vanilla girl sits on the windowsill, drinks coffee, smokes a thin cigarette, looks at the rain and thinks about it also has its roots here.
You can notice "vanilla" in society by romantic, gentle and naive behavior, a constant state of falling in love or depression from unhappy love. Their clothing includes skinny jeans or leggings, loose T-shirts and T-shirts, definitely ugg boots.
There are huge glasses as accessories, regardless of whether they suit the girl or not. There is confusion on the head in the form of a tuft of hair, somehow tucked up, with numerous "roosters". Moreover, the more "roosters", the more "vanilla". A special chic is given to "vanilla" by a phone of the latest model or a fashionable camera.