The time has come for holidays and masquerades. But you won't surprise anyone with a bunny or snowflake costume. A much more interesting option is to dress up as a hero of popular computer games. The image of an elf is associated with something mysterious, magical and at the same time fabulous. It will not be difficult to make the hero's outfit - a mother-of-pearl cape or a green mantle is quite suitable. The main distinguishing feature of the elf is its long ears, which have a pointed, often leaf-like shape.

Step 1
There are several ways to make elf ears yourself. The first, the simplest, is to cut templates out of colored cardboard or leather, and fix them on a plastic rim. But to make the ears look like real ones, you have to work hard. First you need to make a form. To do this, we take paraffin or silicone and slowly pour it into prepared clay containers, shaped like an elf's ears. We leave the workpieces for a day, until they solidify completely. Then carefully remove the future ears from the molds and use a paper knife to correct their shape. The elves are ready!
Step 2
It remains to give them color. To do this, you can use a foundation or greenish theatrical makeup. It is easy to attach them to your own ears with a flesh-colored medical patch.
Step 3
By the way, skillful fans of the inhabitants of the magic forest often make ears entirely from adhesive plaster. Layer by layer, the strips of adhesive tape are applied on top of each other until they have reached the required thickness. Then, with the help of scissors, the ears are shaped and the irregularities are covered with foundation. Such elves are simple to make, but short-lived.
If you want to be reincarnated as an elf forever, then feel free to contact the Chinese plastic surgeons! For them, such an operation is by no means new.