Marianna Vertinskaya's Husbands: Photo

Marianna Vertinskaya's Husbands: Photo
Marianna Vertinskaya's Husbands: Photo

Marianna Vertinskaya is an unusually beautiful woman, a talented actress. In her youth, she had many love interests. She was married several times, but none of the marriages could be saved.

Marianna Vertinskaya's husbands: photo
Marianna Vertinskaya's husbands: photo

Hobbies of Marianna Vertinskaya

Marianna Vertinskaya in her youth was the standard of beauty. Soviet girls tried to copy her languid look, and men turned after her. Not surprisingly, she had many romances. Marianna was born into a creative family. Her father is the famous and unusually talented singer Alexander Vertinsky. Mom was a film actress and artist. Sister Anastasia later also became a very famous actress.

Marianna first fell in love seriously on the set of the film "I'm 20". She was interested in Andrei Konchalovsky, who was the director of this picture and invited the young actress to the shooting. Their romance at that time was discussed by everyone who was close to the world of cinema. Marianna admitted in her interviews that she loved Konchalovsky very much and expected him to propose to her. But the wedding never took place. The director became interested in another woman. Subsequently, Vertinskaya said that she was even glad of this development of events. If Konchalovsky had married her, he would have had to worry even more, since he was never distinguished by constancy in sympathy.


The second serious hobby of Marianne was the director Andrei Tarkovsky. For her sake, he left his family. For several years they lived together, but it did not come to the wedding. After that there were still novels with the cameraman Alexander Knyazhinsky and the artist Lev Zbarsky. But this relationship lasted no more than two years.

First marriage

The first husband of the actress was the architect Ilya Bylinkin. The wedding took place in 1967. Ilya Bylinkin is a person from a well-known Moscow family. He was a close friend of Lev Zbarsky. They met in a circle of mutual friends. When Marianna fell in love with Ilya and he reciprocated her, male friendship came to an end.


The first years of life together became very happy for both spouses. In 1969, they had a daughter, Alexandra. But after 4 years, Marianne met with the operator Georgy Rerberg and feelings arose between them. The actress herself left her husband, an architect. They parted quite civilized. Ilya talked with his daughter, helped her raise. Subsequently, Alexandra followed in his footsteps and became an artist and designer.

Marianne soon parted with Georgy Rerberg. He abused alcohol and sometimes behaved inadequately. Even after parting, he pursued Vertinskaya for several years, threatened to commit suicide if she did not return to him.

Marriage with Boris Khmelnitsky

The second spouse of Marianna Vertinskaya was Boris Khmelnitsky - a composer, theater and film actor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation. The actress said that this marriage was predicted by a friend of Boris at the Taganka Theater Vladimir Vysotsky. 3 years before the start of their relationship, the poet wrote a prophetic poem. Boris had sympathized with Marianne since the days of their studies at the drama school, but did not hope to win such a beautiful girl.

In 1978, Marianne and Boris had a daughter, Daria. But the birth of a child did not save the family from disintegration. An official divorce took place 3 years after the wedding. As Khmelnitsky later admitted, they had no serious quarrels or disagreements. They were both tired of the relationship, so they divorced. But at that time, journalists wrote about Vertinskaya's hobby for the translator Andrei Eldarov.


After the divorce, the youngest daughter of Marianne Daria remained to live with her father. Vertinskaya herself made this decision. She tried to raise two children, but couldn't because of her busy work schedule.

The former spouses remained on good terms. They did not stop communicating and even attended joint performances in which their daughter played. Daria became an actress, but she did not achieve success in the profession.


Third happy marriage

Marianna Vertinskaya calls her third marriage the happiest. It also turned out to be the longest. Her third husband, Zoran Kazimirovic, was a Yugoslavian working for a Swiss company. The age difference did not bother them. Marianna was 10 years older than her lover. They lived together for 13 years. The marriage broke up because they often had to part. In fact, they lived all this time in two countries. Zoran had a job in Yugoslavia, and Marianna did not want to leave Moscow. When her husband offered to move in with him completely, Vertinskaya refused. She did not regret this, because her former passion passed.

Marianna Vertinskaya admitted in an interview that she was always amorous, like her father, but even the most tender feelings come to an end. Now the actress lives alone and is no longer going to marry.


Marianna Vertinskaya devotes a lot of time to communicating with her daughters and grandchildren. She had a difficult relationship with her daughter Daria. Due to the fact that she remained to live with her father, she developed a grudge against her mother. For several years they did not communicate. But now all misunderstandings and resentments are over.
