Yulia Savicheva has been shining on our stage for more than ten years. It is not surprising that the singer's personal life is of interest to many of her fans. Julia is not one of those who constantly have romance with a variety of, sometimes dubious, personalities. Her chosen one was Alexander Arshinov, relations with whom were legalized five years ago.

Arshinov's musical career
Alexander is only 2 years older than Julia. He, like his wife, is a versatile and creative person.
Young people were united by music. Alexander is a talented musician, singer and composer. Back in the distant 90s, he conquered the country with his mesmerizing angelic voice, appearing in the children's musical program "At Cinderella's Ball". The enthusiastic listeners and adult mentors around the child did not doubt that the boy had a great future. However, everything turned out to be more prosaic. At the moment, the young man, despite his talent, is in the shadow of his more punchy chosen one.
Alexander was born in the mid-80s, he fell in love with the stage from childhood. Musical promotion of the boy was done by his mother. Sasha graduated from the music school named after. Gnesins, but did not stop there - he received two more higher educations (which ones are known only to his relatives).
As a teenager, Sasha gave preference to alternative music, was the lead singer of the "Bukhta of Joy" collective. He was not only a performer of songs, but also wrote music and lyrics for them himself.

The collective has earned recognition among young listeners, Yulia was among them. However, the group lasted only four years. After its collapse, Alexander slightly changed his line of business. He no longer went on stage, but was engaged in the creation of music and lyrics for other stars of the national stage.
Personal life of Alexander
Arshinov's old acquaintances say that in his youth the guy enjoyed unprecedented success among the fair sex. According to some media sources, Alexander had a relationship with ex-tattoo soloist Yulia Volkova. Arshinov recalls the past with reluctance, because now he is a completely different person.

Julia Savicheva got acquainted with the work of her future husband through Lagutin, who presented her with one of the group's albums. From the very first sight, the girl fell in love with a handsome young man who struck her with his charisma. Savicheva is not from a timid dozen, and therefore she contacted Arshinov herself, inviting him to meet. Alexander agreed.
When Julia and Sasha started dating, the girl was only 16 years old, while her boyfriend came of age. It was during this period that the "Bay of Joy" fell apart, and Alexander began to compose music and lyrics for other performers, in whose ranks Savicheva also entered.

It is difficult to say whether this was a sacrifice in the name of love or a deliberate choice of Alexander. Perhaps, Savicheva's chosen one liked to remain in the shadows and help in the promotion of other talents. In an interview, he said that two stars of show business in the same house is too much. However, the fact that Julia is a star, and he is just an ordinary composer, worried Alexander a little. He was afraid that the world was full of more promising and wealthy young people, to one of whom his beloved might go. The composer was worried that he would not be able to provide Yulia with a life of luxury and wealth.
Wedding and family life of Julia and Alexander
The young people did not immediately decide to legalize the relationship, because they began to meet at a very young age. Their relationship has been tested over the years, and the stamp in their passports has become only the final point showing how serious this union is. In 2014, the wedding of these talented people in love with each other and with music took place. Only the closest were present at the official registration. The lovers decided not to call anyone from the world of show business, friends from the creative environment joined the ceremony later.
The celebration took place in a large shopping center in Moscow. Julia and Sasha were a little late for their own wedding, from this the guests were expecting them with double impatience. The newlyweds were dressed in a classic style - a white dress, a strict trouser suit.
Leru Kudryavtseva was appointed to host the celebration. The young people danced the first dance to the bride's song "Tai Like Snow", Julia, unable to withstand the intensity of emotions and feelings, burst into tears, which made the moment incredibly touching and tender.
More recently, another person quickly burst into a small family - the couple became parents. They decided to name their daughter Anya.
Julia prefers not to be frank with fans. The world did not immediately find out that the singer was pregnant. For a long time, the singer hid her relationship with her chosen one from everyone, let alone her daughter. But sometimes she still condescends to revelations. For example, in the summer of 2018, Savicheva reported a change in the girl's hair color. Julia has always been a redhead, but her daughter suddenly began to darken rapidly. Now she has light blond curly hair. As the singer jokingly notes, the regiment of redheads has disappeared..