Yulia Menshova's Husband: Photo

Yulia Menshova's Husband: Photo
Yulia Menshova's Husband: Photo

The daughter of the famous parents, Yulia Menshova, herself was also able to achieve great success in her work. The actress was also lucky in family life. Menshova married once and for life. To this day, Julia lives with her first spouse.

Yulia Menshova's husband: photo
Yulia Menshova's husband: photo

For more than 20 years, actress and presenter Yulia Menshova has been happily married to her colleague Igor Gordin. The spouses have long earned the title of one of the strongest and most beautiful couples in the domestic show business. Together, the actors are raising two children - son Andrey and daughter Taisiya.

"Late" marriage

The fate of Yulia Menshova in the profession was a foregone conclusion soon after her birth. The girl's famous parents (Vladimir Menshov and Vera Alentova) gave her a lucky ticket to the future. All the doors were immediately open in front of Yulia. For example, she easily entered the Moscow Art Theater School and quickly began to get roles in theater and cinema. But we must also pay tribute to Menshova herself. She turned out to be a talented and hardworking girl. Teachers and directors praised her not only as the daughter of eminent parents, but also as an excellent student, a promising actress.


Soon, Julia also became interested in the work of a TV presenter. And this sphere quickly submitted to her. It is not surprising that the girl remained lonely for quite a long time. She devoted all her free time to work and creative development. Therefore, those around him said that Menshova's marriage with Igor Gordin was rather late. Although at that time the actress was only 26 years old, and her chosen one was 30 years old. Previously, in romantic relationships with other young people, Julia was not seen.

The future spouses met in the theater. One of Yulia's friends introduced her friend to her. It turned out to be Igor. On the same day, the young people once again crossed paths in the restaurant. After this second meeting, Menshova and Gordin never parted again.


Already a couple of weeks after they met, the lovers moved in and began to live together. Two years later, a magnificent beautiful wedding took place. In 1998, Julia gave her husband their first-born son, Andrei. And five years later, a daughter, Taisia, was born.

Who is Igor Gordin?

Initially, Igor had no intention of becoming an artist. His parents were physicists, and the young man wanted to continue the family tradition. Mom and Dad Gordin dreamed of a serious profession for the heir and did not even want to hear about his creative dreams and fantasies. Therefore, after school, despite Igor's success in the student theater, he entered the Polytech. The future actor did not like the university chosen by the parents at all. It was difficult and uninteresting for him to study. But still he brought the matter to the end. Only after graduating from the Polytechnic Institute and several years of work in the profession, Gordin was enrolled in GITIS. After graduation, he began working in the theater. In this area, Igor began to quickly achieve success and even managed to prove to his parents that he had made the right choice.

Family troubles

From the outside it always seemed that the marriage of Igor and Julia was ideal, peace and harmony reign in the family. But in reality this was not at all the case. The journalists managed to find out that about 10 years ago the couple were on the verge of divorce. In a pair of Julia and Igor, a whole series of conflicts and quarrels began. At first, they could not manage to improve relations and get out of a serious crisis. But in the end, it still turned out to be done.

Menshova said that the main reason for the omissions in the family is the very different characters of both spouses. Julia and Igor have very different temperaments. The actress is more open, sociable, but quick-tempered. Menshova can easily make a public scandal, but quickly calm down and ask her husband for forgiveness. Igor, on the other hand, is calm, closed, touchy. All his wife's outbursts and unpleasant words spoken to her in a fit of anger are very painful and cannot be forgotten for a long time.

But over the years of marriage, the spouses still managed to learn how to find compromises in a variety of situations. During the main crisis, the actors decided to sit down at the negotiating table and frankly discuss everything that was happening. As a result, the husband and wife understood each other. Now the spouses have become even more appreciative of every minute next to them, because they know how easy it is to lose everything they have acquired for decades.


As for work, both Julia and Igor have recently begun to devote less and less time to creative projects. The couple are engaged in business together, which brings them regular good income. They also travel the world and spend a lot of time with children.

The adult son of a star couple decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents, grandparents on his mother's side. Andrei has already begun to try his hand at cinema, but so far not too successfully. But Taisiya has not yet decided who she wants to become. But acting is definitely not interested in her. Father is sure that Taya will be able to become excellent successful journalists, therefore he already recommends her to develop in this direction.
