Coming up with a name for a boat, yacht or even a skiff is no less important than choosing the vessel itself. The tradition of giving names to ships dates back to antiquity. In the old days, the name was given a mythical meaning, the ship could have a patron. The ships were called by the names of gods or animals, the properties of which the sailors endowed their ship with.

Step 1
Think about how you feel about your ship. The name can be solemn, intimidating, or funny. Determine which mood prevails in you.
Step 2
Having chosen a proud old name, read the literature on the history of the fleet and see if there was a ship with a similar name in the distant eras. When you find such a ship, make sure that it sailed the seas happily ever after.
Step 3
Decide if you will write the name of the vessel on the bow and stern in Cyrillic or Latin. Remember that the Russian name in the Latin alphabet may be perceived by foreigners in a completely different way from your compatriots. But if you are going to travel a lot to different countries, it will be better if the name can be read by the inhabitants of these countries.
Step 4
The name of the boat should be very short. As a rule, this is one word. You can choose a more authentic name for the yacht. It can even be a small phrase or a stable phrase, like "Saint Andrew" or "Queen Jennifer".
Step 5
Try to make the name of the yacht say something about your country as well. Remember that every country, including yours, has its own heroes and its gods, who fully deserve to have their names sounded over the seas.
Step 6
When choosing a font to write the name on the bow or stern, keep in mind that it should be readable from a distance.