The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States, which is located in Washington, DC. This place symbolizes the statehood of the United States. In American cinema, films are often shot, where the residence of the President of the United States becomes the main target of terrorists, but the direct seizure of the White House was not shown until 2013. And now two films are released at once, where the capture of the White House, the symbol of democracy, takes place.

Assault on the White House
The world premiere of the film took place on June 27, 2013. The budget of the film was about $ 150 million. The main roles were played by Channing Tatum, James Woods and Jamie Foxx.
Like most action films, the plot of this film is not particularly original. A young state security officer gets a job at the White House. He earned this right - to protect the life of the first person in the state. Before starting to fulfill his duties, he decides to bring his little daughter to the place of future work on an excursion.
However, things did not work out the way he imagined it. It is in those moments when the state security officer entered the White House that he is trapped. The residence of the President of the United States is attacked by unknown armed people.
Now the state security agent is faced with two difficult tasks at once: to save the first person of the state and his daughter. There are many beautiful scenes in the film that are simply breathtaking. The viewer immediately sees that a lot of money has been invested in the production.
The filmmakers were forced to hire a whole army of highly skilled builders to begin construction on the set. In addition to the layout of the White House itself, many other decorations were built: the corridors of the Capitol, the streets of Washington, the president's planes, the Pentagon bunker and much more.
The fact is, the White House is prohibited from filming even from afar, let alone filming inside. Computer graphics specialists managed to recreate the White House itself and its surroundings, right down to a small tree and a bush.
In general, a lot of work has been done to make the film as realistic as possible and to be able to imbue the patriotic spirit of ordinary Americans.
Olympus Has Fallen
The world premiere took place on March 22, 2013. The budget of this film is much more modest - $ 70 million. The film stars Hollywood stars of the first magnitude: Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Ashley Judd and Aaron Eckhart.
This picture provoked a sharp negative reaction from North Korean officials. The reason for this was that it was the terrorists from this country who seized the White House and are going to destroy the entire country of victorious democracy.
Korean terrorists take the US president hostage, and the former president's security officer, Mike Banning, is trapped inside a building. It turns out that it is Banning who has valuable information about what is happening inside the building.
Meanwhile, terrorists are hatching a terrible plan: they are going to activate the CERBER program, which is designed to destroy US nuclear warheads. Since the warheads are not fired, they must detonate in the bunkers, destroying the United States.
The film turned out to be very dynamic and keeps the viewer in suspense until the end credits.
In general, Hollywood loves to make disaster films where the United States is trying to destroy international terrorist organizations, natural disasters or aliens. Thanks to computer graphics, the viewer can see how huge skyscrapers collapse, the Statue of Liberty is sinking, and entire cities explode. Now you can see how the president himself is being taken hostage. The main thing is that films of this kind almost always end well: literally a second before the disaster, a lone hero saves the world from inevitable destruction.