Yarmolnik's Wife: Photo

Yarmolnik's Wife: Photo
Yarmolnik's Wife: Photo

Leonid Yarmolnik is now married for the second time. It was the current wife who became his true love and chosen one for life. The actor and presenter does not like to talk about his first marriage.

Yarmolnik's wife: photo
Yarmolnik's wife: photo

Leonid Yarmolnik from his youth was very popular among women. But this did not in the least prevent him from remaining faithful to his beloved wife for many years. To this day, the actor and presenter lives with his second wife Oksana. His first marriage was short and unsuccessful.

First novels and failed marriage

Yarmolnik's parents noted that from childhood he was amorous and sociable. The first serious relationship with Leonid began during his student days and studies at "Pike". The girl Galina became the chosen one of the young man. True, the girl herself did not particularly favor her young admirer (Leonid was several years younger than her). The couple's relationship ended when Galina left to live in Sakhalin.

Yarmolnik met his next love while working at the Taganka Theater. His second chosen one was fellow actress Zoya Pylnova. The new girl was also older than Leonidas. But this did not stop the lovers from moving in and living together for some time. The couple was planning and sharing a baby. True, it never came to an official wedding. It is known that the main reason for the separation was the unsuccessful pregnancy of the actress. Zoya lost her baby already in her seventh month. The girl was extremely upset by the tragedy and withdrawn into herself. Gradually, she began to move away from Yarmolnik and even moved away from him to her parents. Then Galina returned to her first spouse.


In his youth, Leonid very easily passed from one relationship to another. Very little time passed between his novels. Soon Yarmolnik got married altogether. Elena Koneva became his first wife. The couple did not live together for long. A year later, the divorce took place. Little is known about the actor's first marriage. Yarmolnik also never told what was the reason for their separation from his wife.

After the dissolution of his first marriage, Leonid did not enter into a serious relationship for some time. In his life there was only a series of short stormy novels with fans and colleagues.

Vysotsky and Cupid's arrow

Today Leonid Yarmolnik likes to remember that Vladimir Vysotsky greatly influenced his personal life. It was the latter who introduced the actor to the love of his life - Oksana Afanasyeva. The girl worked in the same theater as Leonid and Vladimir. But Oksana was not an actress, she was engaged in the creation of costumes for creative productions. At the time of meeting Afanasyeva was only 18 years old, and she was not at all interested in Yarmolnik as a man. At that time, Oksana was carried away by Vysotsky. It was with her that Vladimir lived the last two difficult years of his life. Today Afanasyeva does not hide the fact that she and Vysotsky loved each other very much. Therefore, the girl was extremely hard at his departure from life. For the sake of Oksana, Vladimir was even ready to divorce his wife Marina Vlady, but the young costume designer dissuaded him from such a decision. She agreed to the unenviable role of mistress.

Afanasyeva admits that she was ready to endure any inconvenience for the sake of her beloved man. She even forgave him for betrayal. But I really asked Vysotsky to get married in church. The man agreed to this step, the couple simply did not have time to do it due to the death of Vladimir.

The future spouses met again a couple of years after Vysotsky's funeral. Now Oksana looked at Leonid with completely different eyes. Yarmolnik got almost all the roles of the deceased actor, and his future wife continued to engage in costumes in the theater.

Happy wedding

After re-acquaintance between Oksana and Leonid, a relationship quickly began. Already in 82, the lovers got married. The celebration was rather modest. And a year later, little Alexandra was born. The birth of a child did not delay Afanasyeva on maternity leave. A year later, she returned to work in the theater.


Oksana says that their family life with Yarmolnik has never been boring. Leonid is the owner of a "fiery" character and can flare up in a second and start screaming over any little thing. But at the same time, he quickly moves away and knows how to sincerely ask for forgiveness if he is to blame. For a couple of years Oksana got used to her husband's mood swings and stopped paying attention to them. Afanasyeva appreciates her spouse for his dedication, loyalty, ability to quickly solve any problem. She also notes that Yarmolnik is a wonderful loving and caring father. Daughter Sasha adores her star dad and, even in adulthood, tries to spend as much time as possible with them.


Today Oksana and Leonid still live together. Their life is still closely connected with the theater. The spouses also have their own business, which they do together. A couple of Yarmolnik and Afanasyeva is called one of the strongest in the domestic show business, the spouses are admired and equal to them.
