How To Paint Ceramics

How To Paint Ceramics
How To Paint Ceramics

Table of contents:


Cold painting on ceramics is a fairly simple form of arts and crafts. But the results of work, even a beginner in this business, can amaze with the appearance of a professionally performed work. Dishes decorated with this painting technique will look spectacular on the wall or on the most prominent shelf in your kitchen.

How to paint ceramics
How to paint ceramics

It is necessary

  • - ceramic dishes or tiles;
  • - a set of cold enamel;
  • - art brushes.


Step 1

For painting on ceramics, you first need to prepare a workplace. You will need a table that is firmly on all four legs, in addition, it will need to be level, strictly horizontal, placing pieces of cardboard under the legs. This is a prerequisite, because when drawing, you will use very liquid paints that should not spread or harden at an angle.

Step 2

Organize good lighting on your desktop, it should be either light from windows or from fluorescent lamps, so that when you mix paints you see undistorted colors. Even before you start to paint, make on paper all the necessary sketches of future drawings on a one-to-one scale. To remove air bubbles from the dye layer, to correct mistakes in the drawing, keep toothpicks or a syringe needle, a blade from a shaving machine at hand.

Step 3

Transfer the contours of the drawing to flat ceramic dishes or tiles using a fine-writing felt-tip pen on glass. Before applying the dyes, the plate should be degreased with a solvent using a piece of cloth that does not leave any hairs on the surface to be cleaned. Apply contour paste on the line of the felt-tip pen, evenly squeezing it out of the tube with a continuous roller, from the center of the plate to the edges, after finishing the stroke, leave the product to dry until the next day.

Step 4

When the roller of paste imitating contour lead has completely hardened, proceed with the enamel application. To dilute them with colorless varnish, use a brush of 5-6 numbers, wait a few minutes for air bubbles to come out, then the dye can be applied to the product. To draw small details, use brushes with a circular cross-section, the smallest numbers.

Step 5

If you want to mix a color with whitewash, add a lot more colorless varnish to equalize the opacity of the mixture with those enamels in which the whitewash was not used. Be careful not to let air bubbles go anywhere, you can remove them with a syringe needle. After finishing the entire drawing, leave the plate for two or three days in a horizontal position until the paints have completely solidified, after which it can be placed or hung vertically, until the enamel becomes glassy in about three weeks.

Step 6

Vegetable patterns, images of flowers, grapes, birds look very good on ceramic plates and saucers. All this can be depicted with shadows and half tones, it all depends on your imagination and skill, the main thing is not to be afraid, it will definitely turn out beautifully.
