What Days Are Prophetic Dreams

What Days Are Prophetic Dreams
What Days Are Prophetic Dreams

Prophetic dreams are one of the most amazing, but, alas, little-studied phenomena. Science is skeptical about them, which does not prevent humanity from seeing prophetic dreams for thousands of years, interpreting them and deriving practical benefits from them.

Prophetic dreams
Prophetic dreams

Not every dream is prophetic

It is believed that prophetic dreams are dreamed very often during the Christmas week and their interpretation does not need interpreters. It is customary to approach dreams during this period with extreme caution. Legends say that in the period from January 7 to January 19, deceased relatives visit the living, prompting them about the coming events, as well as warning them against possible misfortunes.

In general, prophetic dreams are dreamed on the night of any church holiday. Moreover, such predictions come true in the shortest possible time - during the day.

It is also believed that a dream dreamed on the night of the third day of any month has a high chance of being prophetic. And a dream on the 25th, on the contrary, most often does not contain any meaning.

Days of the week of prophetic dreams

Popular wisdom is true, which says that prophetic dreams are dreamed on the night from Thursday to Friday. Of course, this does not apply to all dreams. But, the chance to see the future on Friday night is really great.

The duration of such dreams has a very long period of time - prophetic dreams, dreamed from Thursday to Friday, can come true within three years.

To determine prophetic sleep, it is also important to take into account the period of time. So, dreams that were dreamed at the very beginning of the night are extremely rarely remembered and rarely come true in reality. The same applies to daytime dreams, which often describe everyday stories and momentary experiences. The greatest likelihood of becoming prophetic is in a dream that was dreamed just before awakening. Interpreters of dreams note that during this period all everyday experiences associated with the physical world fade into the background and a person's consciousness is ready to perceive subtle information waves that describe the future.

The influence of the planets on specific days of the week allows you to determine the nature of sleep. So, Monday is under the auspices of the Moon - a volatile and unstable satellite planet. As a rule, on Monday night, dreams are dreamed that reflect inner experiences. To see the reflection of your inner self is sometimes much more important than a prophetic dream. Therefore, it is customary to treat dreams on Monday night with great attention.

Tuesday night can also give a prophetic dream, since this day of the week is ruled by Mars - the planet that symbolizes strength and will. The prophetic dream that dreamed that night is interpreted according to classical dream books.

But sleep on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday does not bring prophetic dreams. The changeable disposition of the patron planet of this day of the week - Mercury - is not suitable for truthful predictions.

Another important night of the day of prophetic dreams is Saturday. Saturn, patronizing this day, often portends not the most rosy events of the future. Therefore, you should be especially careful about the alarming warnings that come in the prophetic dreams of this night.

Dreams that are dreamed on Sunday should be treated with ease. This day of the week is under the auspices of the cheerful Sun, therefore any bad sign dreamed of in a dream is canceled under the influence of the patron planet. In turn, if a prophetic dream that dreamed that night promises joyful events, they will certainly come true.
