One of the most popular MMORPGs in Russia is Lineage II. Every day, hundreds of thousands of players on dozens of servers compete to obtain a variety of game achievements. The most honorable title in Lineage II is the title of hero. Only 8 characters on each server can have it.

It is necessary
- - account on the official server Lineage II;
- - Lineage II client;
- - Internet connection.
Step 1
Develop your character in order to increase his level to 75. Hunt monsters, gather groups and defeat raid bosses. Complete tasks (quests) to gain experience.
Step 2
Get the status of a nobleman. This can be done in two ways. The first is to add a subclass, level it up to level 75, and complete the four parts of the Soul Precious quest. For the second opportunity, take part in battles for lands. They take place on Saturdays every two weeks. Collect 100 tokens from one of the lands. Use the dialogue of the NPC of the "Captain of the Mercenaries" class in order to exchange badges for the status of a nobleman.
Step 3
Raise your main class to 76. Complete the third class transfer quest.
Step 4
Develop a character in the state of the main class until he reaches level 85. Complete the fourth class transfer quest (rebirth). After that, access to participation in the "Great Olympics" will open.
Step 5
Prepare for the Great Olympics. Obtain the appropriate armor set. Empower it with Attribute Stones as much as possible. It is better if it is a "multi-resist" set with a total of 1800 attributes. It is also good to have replaceable parts of the set to quickly increase the values of protection against certain elements.
Step 6
Get a good weapon to participate in the Olympics. It must be maximally (up to a value of 300) reinforced with attribute stones, have a special ability of the required type, and also correspond to the class. It is highly desirable to obtain a suitable weapon enhancement with the help of a soul stone.
Step 7
Equip yourself with auxiliary items. Many classes at the Olympiad will find weapons of low levels very useful, but with special abilities for applying positive effects, such as "Hell Knife" with SA "Mental Shield", "Staff of Evil Spirits" with SA "Blessing of the Soul". It would be nice for the chanter and summoner classes to have 1-2 magic staffs with active offensive magic skills obtained by improving life stones. Also stock up on a 4-slot bracelet and class-appropriate talismans.
Step 8
Participate in the "Great Olympics". It runs on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 18:00 to 23:40. From the first to the third week, non-class battles are held, and the fourth and part of the fifth - class battles. You can only participate in the main class, having a maximum of 50 battles per week. Win the Olympics and collect points. If by the end of the month you are the best in your class, then after 12 noon on the first day of the next month you can take "Hiro".