When preparing food for birds and other domestic animals, a grain crusher can be your indispensable assistant. If you have an old vacuum cleaner lying around on your farm, do not rush to throw it away - its motor will come in handy for arranging such a structure. The principle of operation of a grain crusher is the same as that of a coffee grinder: the knife cuts the beans to the required size.

Step 1
Prepare the base - a square sheet of plywood approximately 300x300 mm in size and 10 mm thick. Reinforce the electric motor from the old vacuum cleaner on top. The motor shaft should protrude 40 mm downward.
Step 2
On the threaded shank, install the grain crusher using a sleeve, two washers and a nut. It will be a steel plate with a thickness of 1.5 mm, its dimensions should be approximately 15x200 mm. Make an axial hole in the plate exactly in the middle of its length and sharpen the leading edges on both sides of the axis of rotation. This high-speed rotating plate (knife) will cut the grains until they become smaller than the mesh size of the sieve.
Step 3
Roll up the working chamber of the grain crusher from a metal strip 705 mm long and 60 mm wide. Bend the two edges of the ring outward around the perimeter to form 10 mm wide flanges (they are needed to attach to the base and fasten the sieve). To fix the crusher on the underside, install three pins made of wood, they must be placed at an equal distance from each other.
Step 4
By selecting meshes for the sieve or specially perforated discs with different hole sizes, you can obtain the desired degree of grain grinding. Grain is fed from the hopper, which is attached to the base. For this, a small hole is arranged in the hopper, which is regulated by a lamellar damper. To collect the crushed grains, use a regular saucepan or container that is the right size.