Irina Ponarovskaya is a Russian pop and jazz singer, film actress and TV presenter. A woman who was once very popular in our country is the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. She still attracts attention to her person not only with the results of her work, but also with her unusual personal life, which is largely associated with her son Anthony Rodd.

The popular Soviet and Russian artist Irina Ponarovskaya was born on March 12, 1953 in the city on the Neva. Her only son is Anthony Rodd, who has already changed his fourth decade and is professionally engaged in jewelry as an artist.
Birth of Anthony Rodd
In the middle of autumn 1984, at the age of 31, the famous actress, singer and presenter gave birth to a son. This event became a real gift from heaven for Irina Ponarovskaya, because medical specialists were unanimous in the opinion that she would remain sterile for the rest of her life. The popular artist was for 8 years in an official marriage with a Negro jazz performer Weiland Rodd, who was 7 years older than her.

Before the birth of her son, an adopted black girl Nastya lived in the family of Irina and Weyland. But the birth of Anthony contributed to the fact that she turned out to be of no use to anyone. Moreover, both spouses subsequently dumped responsibility for the return of the child to the orphanage on each other.
Thus, the appearance in a creative family of a blood-related child was the reason for an ambiguous act with Nastya. And Anthony was raised by his parents as an only child. According to Ponarovskaya, she then tried to get the girl back, but her husband was adamant in his decision, based on the desire to have only a son in the house. He threatened to take Anthony from his wife. It was this behavior of her husband that became the reason for the subsequent divorce.
Son-father relationship
During the cohabitation of Irina and Weiland before their divorce, the father could exert physical influence on the child, which made Ponarovskaya truly indignant. She always defended her son and tried to explain to her husband why he was unfair.

Currently, Anthony avoids communication with his own father, which is associated with difficult memories from his childhood. The young man did not forget how Weiland repeatedly tried to steal him from his mother and how she suffered because of this. The breakup of a married couple was accompanied by loud scandals associated with the riotous image of Rodd Sr., who often carelessly spent time in the company of girls of dubious reputation.
According to his son, his return to his mother was accompanied by tremendous mental and physical shocks for her. And the father himself has not shown any participation in the fate of Anthony for 30 years. And he doesn't even remember him. Currently, he makes his living by willingly participating in many television programs, in which he likes to recall funny details from his life together with Irina Ponarovskaya. After all, this is so demanded by the current public.
Anthony in Russia
The unusual appearance of Irina Ponarovskaya's son served him unkindly while living in Russia. He often became then the reason for the attacks of outrageous informals. Bullying and beatings were so regular that it was no longer possible to continue living in the country.

The last straw in the mother's patience was the case of beating her son, as a result of which he ended up in intensive care. Then Anthony Rodd was attacked by a company of 12 people, who severely beat him, inflicting severe injuries. Moreover, all this happened in front of numerous witnesses who avoided interference and were afraid to resort to the help of law enforcement officers. Even a friend with whom he was walking around the city at that moment ran away cowardly, without notifying anyone of what had happened.
After such chaos, Irina Ponarovskaya decided to take her son to Norway, where he could finally find himself in the comfortable conditions of safe Europe. In this country, Anthony was educated, having studied at the university. His specialization has become jewelry design, in which he has already managed to quite seriously succeed.
Personal life
Today Anthony Rodd is the father of his own family, with whom he lives in Estonia. Anna Chainikova (artist) became his wife. The couple are raising a son and daughter. Sometimes an eminent artist comes to visit her son and grandchildren. It is known that, appearing at their place, Irina Ponarovskaya still prefers to stay at her own dacha, which is located nearby.
The son of Anthony and Anna, whom his parents named Eric, was born in 2014. It is noteworthy that due to the increased attention of the press to the fate of the famous singer and actress, she and her heir decided to hide this fact from the interested public until birth. And in April 2018, Irina Ponarovskaya became a grandmother for the second time. The granddaughter was named Charlotte after Anthony's great-grandmother.
According to the celebrity, she has now entered a happy season of love and happiness. In Irina's personal life, a certain man appeared who loves her soul and constantly pampers her. Now she is trying to realize herself as a designer, even setting up her own business. Recently, the singer stopped appearing on stage and has been living in periodic movements between St. Petersburg, Norway and Estonia for 8 years.
The popular artist can often be found in theaters or art exhibitions. At her age, she looks great and happy, despite all the difficulties in fate. It is known that Ponarovskaya is very concerned about her figure. She pays a lot of attention to wellness nutrition and diets.