Irina Ponarovskaya is a Soviet and Russian singer, actress and TV presenter. She was called a real style icon, and the most prominent men from all over the world fought for the heart of a woman. It is not surprising that Irina managed to be married several times.

Biography and creativity
Irina Ponarovskaya was born in Leningrad in 1953 and was brought up in a family of musicians. Her mother worked at the Leningrad Conservatory, and her father performed in a jazz orchestra. Already at the age of 6, the girl learned to play the piano, and then attended a music school, where she mastered playing the harp and piano. Irina was also sent to vocal courses taught by the famous Lina Arkhangelskaya. In 1971, Ponarovskaya entered the Leningrad Conservatory. Soon, thanks to her father's connections, she was taken to VIA "Singing Guitars".

Irina Ponarovskaya performed in the ensemble for five years, and in 1975 she was invited to play the lead female role in the rock opera Orpheus and Eurydice, which was a resounding success. In the wake of popularity, the musical troupe went to Germany, where Ponarovskaya managed to show off her talent in front of a foreign audience. Another music festival with the participation of the singer took place in 1976 in Sopot. And again Irina charmed the audience, who called her for an encore nine times.
After returning to Russia, Ponarovskaya rejected all job offers in favor of graduating from the conservatory. Only after receiving her diploma did Irina return to the stage. During this period, the biographical tape "The soloist of the VIA" Singing Guitars "sings, and then Ponarovskaya starred in Herbert Rappaport's detective film" It Doesn't Concern Me ". She also appeared in foreign films "Walnut Krakatuk", "Robbery at Midnight", "The Trust That Burst". The directors were just crazy about the talented artist in every sense.

Subsequently, Irina Ponarovskaya went to work on television, where she became a participant in the programs "Morning Mail", "Musical Kiosk", "Blue Light" and others. Also, the release of her author's program "Fitness class by Irina Ponarovskaya" took place. And the artist turned her passion for fashion into her own business, creating a collection of clothes "I-ra" and opening a studio of the same name in Moscow. Irina did not forget about her pop career, having released several albums and giving major concerts in different cities.
Personal life
Irina Ponarovskaya got married several times. The first who began to seriously care for a woman was the director of the Singing Guitar VIA Grigory Kleimits. They got married, but they have been married for only a year and a half. Ponarovskaya's second marriage lasted seven years. She tied the knot with foreign musician Weiland Rodd. Despite all their efforts, they did not manage to have their own children for a long time, and the couple took a girl named Anastasia Kormysheva from the orphanage.

In 1984, Irina and Weiland had a son, who was named Anthony. Soon, Ponarovskaya began to experience health problems and ended up in the hospital. The husband returned Irina's adopted daughter back to the orphanage, deciding that she would be better there. On the basis of this, a strong conflict arose with Weiland Rodd, and the couple filed for divorce. For a short time, Irina Ponarovskaya met with the singer Soso Pavliashvili, and then switched to the famous doctor Dmitry Pushkar, whom she married. They lived together for eleven years and divorced in 1997.
Irina Ponarovskaya now
Currently, the once popular singer no longer performs on stage and appears less and less in public due to her age. She was also tired of the intrusiveness of the ubiquitous journalists. First, Ponarovskaya moved to Norway, with which her son, who has long been living in this country and working as an artist, helped her. Then Irina's trail was lost again, and there were rumors that she moved to Estonia. As a result, Ponarovskaya settled in her native St. Petersburg.
Today Irina keeps in touch only with the people closest to her. Occasionally, she still gives private performances for additional income. In 2017, the singer's personal life became the topic of one of the episodes of the TV show "Actually", where the former adopted daughter of Ponarovskaya and Rodda admitted that her mother was abused by her husband. The show was also attended by the concert director of the singer Lera Tuvina. She said that Anastasia Kormysheva was again in the orphanage due to the fact that the feelings between her and the young son of the artist became dangerously close. Ponarovskaya herself did not appear on the program and did not comment on this information in any way.