Types Of Fish Bait

Types Of Fish Bait
Types Of Fish Bait

Fishermen know that bait is needed for a good bite. At the same time, the type of bait depends on the type of fish being "hunted" and on the method of fishing.

Types of fish bait
Types of fish bait

Just a couple of decades ago, you could go to the shore of the reservoir, throw porridge into the water, and a wonderful catch was provided. Nowadays a special fish bait is required for successful fishing. You can make it yourself, or you can go to the store and buy everything you need.

Why is it important to choose complementary foods correctly?

At the moment, a huge number of ready-made mixtures are sold in stores. The main ingredient is bread crumbs. Some manufacturers add cereal bran to save money. But such a feeding for fish is not at all suitable, as it does not attract fish.

In order to attract fish, a chemical flavoring agent is added to the feeding. It is the smell that attracts fish to the water. These are the cheapest baits, suitable for fishing in a quiet location with few fishermen. But if you want to attract aquatic inhabitants in the most common places for fishing, then it is better to pay attention to better and more expensive compositions. Otherwise, you risk being left without a catch.

Types of complementary foods

Groundbait is divided into three different types, depending on the method of fishing:

1. Float - the most varied groundbait. It is produced in a large assortment, since different types of fish need their own bait, because each fish has its own taste preferences.

For large fish, use a large groundbait, and for small ones - ground into dust.

2. For spinning, the bait is very sticky. It should not fall out of the trough during casting. The consumption of bait for spinning is much less, and therefore it must have a greater concentration. In turn, this type of bait is divided into two types:

  • for fishing in still water;
  • for fishing in flowing water. More binders are added to this groundbait to keep it in the trough for as long as possible.

3. Bait for winter fishing is somewhat different from that used in summer. Cold water better conveys odors, and therefore the content of flavorings in it should be less.

By choosing the right bait for your fish, you can be sure of an excellent bite and a good catch. Do not forget that success requires not only good feeding, but also quality gear.
