Fish Hangri Bait: Reviews Of Fishermen

Fish Hangri Bait: Reviews Of Fishermen
Fish Hangri Bait: Reviews Of Fishermen

Fish Hungry has caused a lot of noise lately due to aggressive advertising of this brand's products on all Internet sites created for fishing enthusiasts. A huge number of real and fake reviews about an expensive miracle remedy put into a kind of stupor many lovers of this kind of leisure. After all, the indicators of bait declared in the advertisement promise the buyers of this unique product to increase the catch five or more times. How to understand this information collapse ?!

Wonderful bait in various packaging
Wonderful bait in various packaging

Fish Hangri bait is a typical attractant according to its properties declared by the manufacturer. This activator of biting of all types of fish fauna is significant in that all fish in the area where bait is used reacts very quickly to its presence, going to the place of use. Moreover, it is the large fish that are able to feel the bait at great distances and swim there. Surprisingly, even a fish that does not lack food and are well fed begins to show an uncontrollable feeling of hunger and is practically capable of swallowing a hook without bait.

And one more amazing quality of this bait is that it makes both predatory fish and "vegetarians" hungry. The miracle remedy does not depend on the time of year and weather conditions, ice-free in winter and open water, which is, without any exaggeration, a real breakthrough in the field of fishing art. And how can you resist using Fish Hangri bait (translated from English as “fish hungry”), if the manufacturer claims that large representatives of the fish fauna first of all react to bait, and the fisherman does not have any other problems except how to prepare for a serious catch ?!

What and where is Fish Hangri bait made?

Fish Hangri products are made from bioactive substances (pheromones) produced by the fish itself in natural conditions. It is these pheromones that are capable of causing such a characteristic reaction in her. An advertisement for fishhungry bait informs potential buyers that the synthesized product is obtained from breeding fish to gain weight quickly. Subsequently, however, bait manufacturers decided to expand the consumer market segment, reaching out to fishing enthusiasts.

Product appearance
Product appearance

The country of origin of Fish Hangri is Italy. It was at the Environmental Research Center, led by Dr. Andy Moore, that this synthetic bait was developed. After being tested in the country of origin, Fish Hungry entered the external European market in 2011. And these products came to Russia only in 2015.

Buyers of Fish Hangri bait, as a legalization of their activities on the website of a company that sells products on the Russian market, are presented with a certificate and a certificate. It also shows the products as they appear in the retail network. One package consists of five bags, which are metallized and sealed in polyethylene. And the cost of a single order is from 1190 to 1390 rubles. Moreover, one package is enough for one bait on a fishing trip. Thus, the cost of a single fish bait using Fish Hangri products will amount to about 250 rubles.

How to use Fish Hangri

In order to rationally use the Fish Hangri bait, the manufacturer recommends to breed it in a larger volume of bait made by yourself or purchased from a retail network. It is advisable to do this when catching non-predatory fish. Fish Hangri products, combined with other bait, should be diluted in water (a small amount) and added to complementary foods at the rate of 2.5 kg of complementary foods, one package is used.


When fishing for predatory fish, the consistency of Fish Hangri is one bag for half a liter of water. In this bait, baits are processed (wobblers, spinners, jig, worms, vegetable baits, etc.), which guarantee a successful catch.

Feedback from buyers bait "Fish Hangri"

As for the responses of fishermen to the products of the Fish Hangri trademark, an atypical situation is observed here. When, together with extremely positive reviews on sites advertising it, there is a sufficient number of maximally negative responses on the Internet on independent information platforms. Positive reviews so obsessively show potential buyers the benefits of Fish Hangri bait that a person who reads such positive characteristics of bait immediately shows great interest in it. After all, an increase in the average catch indicators by a factor of five or more, all other conditions being equal, and the guarantee of catching large fish is a real mysticism of ordinary fishing. With these promised results, any fisherman will not be able to resist trying the wonderful bait.

Fish in Russia already
Fish in Russia already

Surprisingly, all the positive reviews unanimously spoke of the fact that fishing is becoming not just a hobby, but a real source of income. Moreover, many buyers of Fish Hangri assure that making such a gift to a loved one who is fond of fishing is considered a rather rational choice. And all newcomers instantly light up with a strong passion and immerse themselves in the fishing culture with their heads.

A characteristic point in these reviews on the thematic sites "Fish Hangri" is the complete absence of negative or neutral reviews. All with one voice strongly recommend buying this high-tech product, and in the middle or at the end of the review text, you can always see a special option for ordering goods in the form of buttons "order" or "shopping cart". For any modern person using the services of online stores, it immediately becomes clear that this incentive to buy tool can only mean one thing - all reviews are exclusively customized. Therefore, the information contained in them should not be considered as the corresponding reality.

But, despite the dominance of aggressive thematic advertising and relevant reviews, you can find neutral sites with comments from real fishermen. In such independent forums, seasoned fishermen openly share their disappointments. Here you can find out that during winter fishing, for example, the Fish Hangri bait frankly does not attract fish. Some fishermen even write that they often get the impression of the opposite effect of the "miracle" remedy. And studies of the action of this bait with the help of an echo sounder objectively show that the accumulation of fish promised in advertising and custom reviews has never been observed. It turns out that the bait does not work, and all the positive reviews are outright fiction.

How to treat fish Hangri bait

The ambiguity of responses to the Fish Hangri bait requires an objective analysis of the facts obtained from the practice of life. Experienced fishermen argue that it is simply impossible to create a universal attractant for predatory and vegetation-eating fish, since the peculiarities of their diet exclude such a possibility. After all, even fish of the same family under different conditions (season, body of water, weather conditions, etc.) are attracted by different baits. In addition, the experience of fishing for predatory fish clearly shows that it reacts more to the brightness and movement of the bait than to its smell.

Genuine product information
Genuine product information

Today, a powerful community of interested fishermen has emerged on the Internet, who are purposefully engaged in exposing the fraud of the Fish Hangri bait company. As an argument for their position, they cite examples of blatant blunders in classified advertising. For example, the packaging of “original” products, allegedly manufactured in Italy, contains text in English. It does not have a barcode and translation into Russian, there is no contact information (address, phone numbers, etc.) at all, which cannot but alarming buyers.

The simplest examination of the people concerned showed that all the photographs and names of the "lucky" fishermen are outright forgeries. Moreover, even in cases when real professionals of fishing are shown in the photo, they have nothing to do with Russia and were filmed at a time when Fish Hangri products had not yet been invented.

Even Dr. Andy Moore, claimed to be the inventor of this groundbait, is not identified as an expert in the subject area. And the numerous positive reviews of fishermen also have nothing to do with our country, since they live abroad.

In addition, the list of revealing information included fake documents of a company selling products of the Fish Hangri trademark (Certificate of Activity and Certificate of Compliance), a blacklist (this company with a very bad reputation) and the fact of the presence of the original Fish Hangri "with a residence permit in the USA, which operates on absolutely" transparent "conditions.
