Being a skillful and calculating politician, boyar Boris Godunov for many years actually ruled great Russia under Tsar Fedor. After the death of the legitimate ruler, Godunov was imprisoned in the kingdom. The new sovereign feared conspiracies and was suspicious of his entourage. In recent years, Boris developed health problems, which probably became the reason for his early death.

The beginning of Godunov's career
The future ruler of the Russian land was born in 1552. The Godunov family at that time carried out local service and owned patrimonial lands in Kostroma. When Godunov's father, Fyodor Ivanovich, died, Boris passed into his uncle's family. Soon the lands of the Godunovs went to the oprichnina. Not having a high status, Boris's uncle quickly assessed the political situation and went to serve in the oprichniki corps. In a short time, he rose to the head of the Bed Order.
Boris himself went to the guardsmen. In 1571, he became related to the odious Malyuta Skuratov, having married his daughter Maria. After a short time, Boris was awarded the high title of boyar. Being a very careful person, Godunov preferred to stay away from big events. And yet, over the years, his role at the royal court increased. Soon he becomes one of the closest people of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

In March 1984, Ivan the Terrible died. On the throne he was replaced by his son - Fyodor Ioannovich. His father did not consider him a good leader. The new sovereign almost did not have the makings that the tsar required. He did not have excellent health, he needed patronage and support. As a result, a special council was created to manage state affairs, which included four regents.
After Fedor's wedding to the kingdom, Boris received the title of the closest boyar and became the governor of both the Astrakhan and Kazan kingdoms. In the course of the struggle between political groups, Boris gained an advantage and took an honorable place next to the sovereign. In fact, during the years of the nondescript reign of Fyodor Ioannovich, it was Godunov who ran all affairs in a large country.
Remaining in the shadow of Fyodor, Boris did a lot for the all-round strengthening of the Russian statehood. For example, he made efforts to ensure that Metropolitan Job of Moscow was appointed patriarch. In those years, sober calculation and common sense were taken into account in the policy of the state.
Soon a large-scale construction of fortresses began in Russia. Over time, security strengthened in the Volga region, where shipping developed. The first large outpost of Russia appeared in distant Siberia - the city of Tomsk became it. The importance of architects and architects has grown.
Moscow gradually turned into a fortified fortress. New walls and towers were erected around the city. One of the lines of defense appeared on the site of today's Garden Ring. A water supply was organized in the Moscow Kremlin.

Tsar Boris
The law on succession assumed that the main candidate for the throne after Fedor could be his brother Dmitry, who was the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible's wife. However, Tsarevich Dmitry in 1591 died in Uglich under very strange circumstances. Historical tradition blames Boris Godunov for the murder of young Dmitry. His motive was supposedly simple: the prince stood on the path leading Godunov to the pinnacle of power. However, the special commission did not find direct evidence against Godunov, there was only indirect evidence of his participation in the killing of the heir.
After the death of Fyodor, there were no direct heirs to the throne. After a long debate, the Zemsky Sobor approved Boris Godunov as a candidate for the throne. And in September 1598 Boris officially became sovereign.
After becoming king, Godunov generally adhered to his policy. Elements of the common European culture began to penetrate into the state more and more noticeably. However, Godunov felt the instability of his position - after all, he was not Rurikovich. The tsar became very distrustful and suspicious, which made little difference from Ivan the Terrible.
Death of Godunov
Already in 1599 Boris began to complain about his health. Time passed, but there was no improvement in health. According to the testimonies, Boris was plagued by urolithiasis and very severe headaches. At that time, he did not trust his entourage at all, and he sought support only in the family. Godunov was very worried about the fate of his son and tried all the time to keep him as close to him as possible.
On April 13, 1605, the sovereign received the ambassadors of other states. And then he felt very bad. Apparently, he suffered a severe apoplectic stroke. Blood gushed from the ears and nose of the king. The court doctor only threw up his hands: he could no longer do anything to save Godunov's life. The king lost consciousness, after a while he briefly regained consciousness, but soon lost his speech. Then his heart stopped. Godunov at that time was only 53 years old.
Boris was buried in the Archangel Cathedral, but later the coffin was moved to one of the monasteries. Later, Vasily Shuisky gave instructions to bury the Godunov family in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.