A rebus is a special riddle in which the desired word is enclosed in pictures containing various letters and numbers. In the pictures you can also find other signs that will help you read the word correctly. Puzzle solving is a fun activity that will help you warm up before challenging work. To solve the puzzle, you must remember a few simple rules.

Step 1
The names of any objects shown in the figure are read only in the nominative case.
Step 2
Sometimes a drawing can have several names (for example, paw or leg). And also an item can have both a specific and a general name. For example, a flower is a general name, and a specific one is a tulip or a rose. Therefore, if you can correctly guess the object depicted in the picture, then consider that the most difficult part is behind. The simplest and most popular method for solving puzzles is to decipher the drawings in parts. That is, first you need to write down all the names of the objects in order, and then add the text out of them.
Step 3
If the picture is upside down, then the word depicted on it must be read from right to left, for example, cake - trot.
Step 4
One or more inverted commas can be drawn to the right or left of the subject - this means that you need to remove one or more letters at the beginning or end of a word, respectively.
Step 5
In the event that there are numbers above the picture, the letters in the word must be read in a certain order - exactly in the one in which the numbers are.
Step 6
Strikethrough letters can be written above the figure, therefore, they must be excluded from the name of the object and from the text.
Step 7
If there is a sign "O = I" above the image, it means that the left letter in the word is replaced by the right one.
Step 8
You may also encounter fractions in puzzles. Usually the sign of the fraction stands for the preposition "Under". For example, the expression "to / a" can be read like this: "APODK" or "PODKA".
Step 9
The use of an arrow drawn from one letter to the next serves to indicate the corresponding substitution of letters (for example, A-P).
Step 10
Strikethrough letter numbers mean that letters that correspond to the indicated serial number must be crossed out from the name of the object.
Step 11
A letter composed of other letters is deciphered using the preposition "FROM". For example, if the letters "B" represent a large letter "A", then this is translated as follows: "FROM B A".
Step 12
If in the rebus one letter is located after another, then when decoding the text, you need to use the prepositions "FOR" or "BEFORE".