How To Guess On The Coffee Grounds

How To Guess On The Coffee Grounds
How To Guess On The Coffee Grounds

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The way of fortune telling on coffee grounds has not changed at all since its invention. Despite the simplicity and accessibility of the ritual, the predictions turn out to be very accurate and true. Fans of mystical paraphernalia prefer to guess by candlelight and in the evening, however, the type of coffee and the time of day for fortune telling do not objectively matter.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is an opportunity to look into the future
Fortune telling on coffee grounds is an opportunity to look into the future

It is necessary

  • Natural ground coffee
  • Cezva or Turk
  • Water
  • Cup and saucer


Step 1

Take a few spoons of coffee, not very finely ground, pour into the cezve and pour a glass of cold water. You can add spices to taste like cinnamon, pepper, cloves, but not sugar. Fortune-telling coffee should be unsweetened. Prepare one cup of coffee at the usual strength. As you wait for the coffee to brew, think about what you want to know. It is advisable to clearly formulate the question, this will help in deciphering the prediction.

Make coffee
Make coffee

Step 2

Take a fortune-telling cup and pour coffee into it. The cup must be with even smooth walls, preferably tapering towards the bottom. The most suitable cup will be white, since it is easier to see the big picture and to make out the figures on its walls. Let the coffee cool slightly, then drink the contents of the cup. It is not necessary to swallow the coffee in one gulp, enjoy the taste of the drink and once again mentally formulate the question, the answer to which you want to see at the bottom of the cup.

Suitable utensils for fortune telling on coffee grounds
Suitable utensils for fortune telling on coffee grounds

Step 3

Do not drain the cup to the bottom, leave a couple of sips of liquid. Rotate the cup clockwise, stirring the coffee and sediment and, grasping the handle with your left hand if you are right-handed, and with your right hand, if you are left-handed, tip the cup upside down on the saucer with a movement away from you. Try to lower the cup so that one edge rests on the rim of the saucer, and the other edge sits in the middle of the dish. The liquid from the tilted cup flows freely along the walls, creating unique and meaningful patterns along the way. Wait one or two minutes for the coffee grounds pattern to dry out a bit and set in place.

Turn over with a movement away from you
Turn over with a movement away from you

Step 4

Carefully lift and turn the cup over with the hand you used to turn it over. Performing fortune-telling movements on the coffee grounds relies on a non-functional hand, it is believed that this way the intuitive and creativity is better manifested. Prediction on coffee grounds is based on the ability to think associatively, and you can't do without good imagination, coupled with intuition. Turn the cup in different directions - your task is to see the similarity of the pattern formed from the coffee grounds with any object or symbol known to you.

Look for symbols
Look for symbols

Step 5

Keep in mind that the handle of the cup symbolizes you, the closer the drawing is to it, the sooner the event that it means will happen. The clearer and closer to the original the image that you see, the more it will influence your destiny. The symbols formed at the rim of the cup are responsible for the near future. What will be predicted by them will come true very soon. The prediction from the bottom of the cup refers to the distant future, which, perhaps, will change more than once.
