A ski mask is an important and integral part of your outfit. It is she who is designed to protect your eyes from bright light and ultraviolet radiation, from wind, snow and tree branches, creating a comfortable and safe riding environment. That is why it is so important to take her choice seriously.

Step 1
Pay attention to the number of lenses first. Today, almost every ski mask uses at least two, fastened together. Unlike models with one lens, these masks fog up less. A significant advantage to the mask will give lenses with an anti-fog coating, which prevents fogging.
Step 2
How comfortable a ski mask will be depends on the ventilation in the housing. Try to get a model with adjustable ventilation. Such a mask will allow you to freely remove excess moisture outside and at the same time prevent the cold from getting inside.
Step 3
Depending on where and under what conditions you ride most often, choose the color of the lenses. For skiing in sunny weather and even more so in the mountains, a mask with mirrored lenses or with black lenses is perfect. Such lenses not only reduce brightness well, but also do not distort colors. Nevertheless, in cloudy weather it will be inconvenient to ride in such a mask, and in the evening and in poor lighting it will be almost impossible. Under these conditions, it is best to use a mask with purple, pink, or clear lenses. Masks with yellow, orange and gold lenses can be a universal option. They are suitable for riding in any weather. Since different riding conditions require different lenses, a mask with interchangeable lenses is a very convenient option.
Step 4
When choosing the shape and size of the mask, make sure that the selected model provides the required viewing angle - at least 120 degrees in the horizontal plane.
Step 5
Try on your chosen mask before purchasing. The mask should fit snugly without leaving any gaps. Try on the mask and on the helmet, rate the convenience, check how conveniently the mask strap is adjusted and securely fixed.