Nikita Presnyakov was born into a stellar family, so from childhood he got used to increased attention. The young man continues the family musical dynasty, but has not yet achieved noticeable success in this field. But in his personal life complete harmony reigns: in 2017, Presnyakov married the model Alena Krasnova. Now the public is looking forward to the first time the eldest grandson of Alla Pugacheva will make her a great-grandmother.


The first official girl appeared at Presnyakov's in 2011. She was the Kazakh actress Aida Kalieva. The couple met in New York, where Pugacheva's grandson had previously studied at the film academy, and since then has regularly visited familiar places. After returning to Moscow, the lovers appeared together at various events, and in interviews made plans to create a family. Presnyakov even made the girl a marriage proposal, but preparations for the wedding dragged on indefinitely. In 2014, it became known that Nikita and Aida broke up.

Fortunately, for the sake of meeting with the new darling, Presnyakov did not have to fly across the ocean. He often came to Alla Pugacheva's country house, which was empty after she moved to Maxim Galkin. Just next door was the dacha of the parents of Alena Krasnova, Nikita's future wife. In the summer of 2014, young people began to actively communicate, and soon they started talking about their romantic relationship. True, the girls' relatives were wary of her famous gentleman. After all, Krasnova is 6 years younger than Presnyakov, and at the time of their acquaintance she was still in high school.

However, confirming the seriousness of his intentions, the grandson of Pugacheva patiently waited for Alena to grow up, graduate from school and be ready for a serious relationship. He recently admitted that he gave up intimate life for two years, until his beloved felt ready for this important step.
For three years of relationship, lovers have become almost inseparable. Presnyakov even accompanied Krasnov at her graduation party. For the girl's 20th birthday in March 2017, the musician prepared a special surprise for Alena, asking her to become his wife. The birthday girl agreed. They decided to play the wedding that same summer.

The wedding of the couple took place on July 27, 2017 in the registry office of Barvikha near Moscow. Then the newlyweds went to a chic banquet complex, where about two hundred guests were waiting for them. His famous grandmother Alla Pugacheva came to congratulate the grandson, and no less stellar parents - Christina Orbakaite and Vladimir Presnyakov, as well as many other representatives of the national stage. The newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Cyprus.
When are the children?

Presnyakov is asked questions about children especially often. After all, the musician's grandmother gave birth to her eldest daughter at 22, and Christina herself became a mother at 20. Many believed that Nikita would continue the family tradition associated with the early appearance of children. His bride began to look for signs of pregnancy as soon as the couple announced their upcoming wedding. The groom, in his usual manner, reacted quite sharply to the questions and comments of fans who saw changes in Alena's figure in the pictures on Instagram.

Immediately after the wedding, the couple shared their plans for replenishing the family. The couple admitted that they do not think about having children yet. At first, they would like to enjoy life together. In addition, Presnyakov's wife was still studying at the Academy of National Economy, and Nikita himself devoted a lot of time to creative self-realization.
However, the words of the newlyweds did not convince those who are zealously interested in their lives. Shortly before the first anniversary of the marriage, Alena was again suspected of being pregnant when she saw that she was wearing loose-fitting clothes. And again, the girl denied this information on her Instagram profile. It is worth noting that she is completely free to communicate with subscribers on any topic. In particular, Presnyakova does not deny the fact of lip augmentation with the help of special injections. As it turned out, the spouses did not change their opinion about the children. According to Alena, she and her husband do not plan to become parents yet, and they try not to think ahead for the future.
The eldest grandson of Pugacheva admits that many mistakenly think about his financial dependence on his parents. In fact, from his youth, he was used to earning a living independently. Over the years Nikita has tried many professions - actor, musician, director. Recently I started editing, opening my own company with a friend. Undoubtedly, the main goal of Presnyakov at this stage is to achieve success in his career and provide his young family with a decent standard of living.

Alena is in solidarity with her husband in this matter. So far, she makes money through advertising and small modeling contracts. But in the future, the girl wants to find a more serious occupation for herself. So the young couple is unlikely to please their stellar relatives with grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the near future.