Party costumes are quite expensive, even if you rent them. The way out of the situation will be a homemade outfit. You may not be able to sew a complex fluffy dress. But a simple costume of a recognizable character, for example, Pinocchio, can be built on your own.

Step 1
Make the "branded" Pinocchio cap out of cardboard. Take a sheet of colored, red and white stripes. If this is not found, glue the missing strips or paint with acrylic. Measure the circumference of the head of the person you are making the costume for. Add 2 cm to the result. Measure the same number of centimeters on the underside of the cardboard. Divide this segment in half. From the found middle, lower the perpendicular. Its length should be equal to the desired hood height. From the edges of the line, draw lines to the top of the perpendicular. Cut out the resulting triangle.
Step 2
Step back about 17 mm from one side of the workpiece and draw a line. Grease the marked area with glue and attach to the other side of the hood.
Step 3
Cut out curls from straw-colored cardboard that will knock out from under the cap. To do this, cut the strips 5 cm wide and screw the end onto the pencil. Glue the other end of each curl to the inside of the headdress.
Step 4
Pinocchio should be wearing a red jacket. It can be cut from any fabric that keeps its shape well. Unwrap the old T-shirt and transfer its outline to the new pattern. Extend the bottom a little so that the jacket acquires a trapezoidal shape. Complete it with a white collar and a large button.
Step 5
The rest of the wardrobe is shorts. Any blue or black will do, without decorative elements. Put on white socks or knee-highs and plain shoes or sandals on Buratino's feet.
Step 6
This Pinocchio can only be considered after the acquisition of the nose. Cut it out of cardboard to resemble a cap (but, of course, smaller). To keep both the nose and the cap on your head, punch holes in the sides of the cardboard and insert a thin transparent rubber band into them - you can buy this at a craft store.