On May 9, Russia celebrates Victory Day. In memory of the feat of the Soviet people, who won the war against fascism, thematic classes are organized in schools and kindergartens of the country. Veterans come to visit the guys. They talk about the harsh times they went through. Guests are pleased to receive bright and original cards with children's drawings dedicated to Victory Day in gratitude from the kids.

Step one
Determine with the child what will be shown in the picture. The most recognizable symbol of Victory is the two-color Guards ribbon, which is also called St. George's ribbon. Any preschool child knows what she looks like. It is such a ribbon that can become the central element of a thematic children's drawing. It is often used in works that are being prepared for a competition.
The picture for Victory Day may also show the Red Star - the symbol of the Soviet Army; Eternal flame; red carnations, symbolizing the blood of the defenders of the Fatherland shed in battles; a submachine gun of the Shpagin system with a round disc - a legendary weapon of the Great Patriotic War; Red Banner of Victory; the figure of a Soviet soldier in a cap or helmet; the T-34 tank, which terrified the Nazis; combat aircraft; festive fireworks.
The drawing ends with an inscription, which may include the words "Victory Day" or the date: "May 9". At the same time, the number 9 may well be stylized as a guards ribbon.
Step two
Think over the composition of the future drawing. Decide which elements of the image will be located in the center and in the foreground, which can be drawn closer to the edge. Explain to the child what the proportions of the human figure and other elements of the drawing should be.
To avoid drawing mistakes, it is advisable to first show the children greeting cards that are dedicated to the same topic. There is no point in exactly copying images created by professional painters. Children's drawing should become an independent work of little artists, an expression of their own vision of a national holiday. But turning to printing products (postcards, posters) will avoid gross mistakes when drawing out the details of the picture.
Step three
Prepare everything you need for work. You will need a sheet of A4 paper; colored pencils (plain, red, orange, green, black, yellow); pencil sharpener; an eraser for correcting drawing defects. You can use paints if desired. By folding the sheet in half, you get a postcard.
Step four
Start drawing, helping your child complete the necessary strokes if necessary. For example, the order of execution of the drawing of the guards ribbon, star and carnation will be shown.
Draw two parallel lines diagonally, and then two more at right angles to the first. Both pairs of lines must intersect with each other. The distance between the parallel lines will determine the width of the tape. Use a simple pencil for now; you will color the details of the image later, in the next stage of work. Remove excess contours with an eraser.
Step five
Connect the outermost lines with a semi-oval. Do the same with the inner strokes. Finish the ends of the ribbon by closing the outline.
Step six
Draw three parallel black stripes along the entire length of the St. George ribbon. The distance between the stripes must be the same.
Step seven
Fill the space between the black lines with orange. Make sure that the child does the shading correctly - it should be uniform. As a result, you should have a ribbon folded in a loop with equal ends. If you decide to style the ribbon with the number 9, the outline will be different, but the location of the stripes will not change.
Step eight
Draw a five pointed star. Help your child mark five points on the sheet that will become the tips of the rays. You can do this work with a compass. However, it will be much more useful if the child learns to draw geometric shapes by hand, without the help of auxiliary tools. Fill the outline of the star with red.
Step nine
Move on to the carnation image. Sketch in a circle using fine strokes using a simple pencil (for a carnation bud). Two more lines will be needed to outline the stem and the adjacent leaves. In the middle of the circle, draw cloves of several petals and a sepal. Make the carnation fluffier. Erase the construction lines with the eraser. Color the elements of the flower with the appropriate colors: the stem and leaves will be green, and the petals are best done in bright red.
Step ten
Complete the inscription. Add the name of the month to the number 9. The inscription "May 9" can be made in the colors of the guards ribbon. But you can color the letters in red as well. If necessary, correct the hatching by making it thicker. Remove all construction lines and strokes. The drawing is ready.