Catastrophe dreams are usually dreamed by people who have experienced such real events, or who have information on a subconscious level that big changes are possible in life, and not the best ones.

The meaning of fluttering water in a dream
Waves of any body of water (sea, ocean) or waves that appeared in a dream completely out of nowhere can have a polar opposite and at the same time correct meaning. This is because water is the source of all life on earth. She is initially charged with positive emotions and positive perception. So, a calm clear sea, lake, light waves, solar ripples mean, according to many dream books, a surge of vitality and good news. Dark, muddy and dirty water carries with it an absolutely opposite meaning.
This is a symbol of quarrels, emotional experiences, illnesses and fatal mistakes (dream book of Miller, Tsvetkov).
Big waves, tsunami, flood in a dream
Huge waves, tsunami, flood, flood covering the horizon, cause a state of terror in a dream. You want to run, look for shelter, shelter, and your legs, as a rule, do not obey, or it is simply impossible to find a suitable place. A heavy wave covers with your head or goes back, but due to some circumstances, you remain alive and wake up with anxiety and unpleasant emotional sensations.
The dream scenario can vary depending on the characteristics of the psyche, but the essence remains the same: danger, fear, hopelessness.
Tsunamis symbolize your attitude, behavior in the family, in society, at work, in everyday life, anywhere. This is your state of mind and attitude to what is happening around you. Those emotions that you experience in a dream, most likely live in you somewhere deeply at the subconscious level. Hopelessness. You do not allow emotions to burst out, make your life easier. Or it is very likely that you have no way to get rid of them.
Analyze the current situation in your life. Most likely you are unhappy with something. This can be: depressing lack of money, an unpleasant situation at work, hostile relationships with loved ones, other pressing problems that you cannot cope with on your own in everyday life.
After each such dream, you should analyze your past day, week, and maybe even a month. It is quite possible that you will notice a certain tendency, cyclicality, when you dream of a tsunami, huge waves. Based on observations, you can draw a conclusion for yourself what tsunamis and floods mean in your particular situation.