Waves are an irreplaceable attribute of the water element, which is stereotypically considered a symbol of calm and tranquility. However, in dreams, water is not always a good sign, it all depends on its condition, degree of pollution, color and many other factors.

The general meaning of dreams with troubled water at sea
If you decide to interpret the meaning of your dream, try to remember all the smallest details of the dream. Any, even the most insignificant at first glance, little things play important roles, they sometimes can turn the meaning of sleep upside down. You should not ignore your personal dream book, if you have one.
Most often, waves represent anxiety, excitement and experience. Small waves tend to signal your excitement about important events in your life. After a dream in which you are standing on the shore of a reservoir watching large waves, most likely in the near future something can disturb your soul.
You can deal with this by going to church or simply by praying.
A dream about watching the waves means that you want to improve the level of your skill in a certain matter. If the water is clean, and the waves are small, then fate will contribute to the fulfillment of your desires and the implementation of ideas.
What are the risks of dreams with large waves?
Watching the storm - to life's difficulties and problems. If the water becomes calm after a storm, the difficulties will be short-lived and you will successfully cope with them. But having seen in a dream that someone has suffered from a storm, it is better to do everything in order to avoid possible troubles, the probability of winning the fight with fate is small.
The tidal wave is the messenger of the misfortune that awaits you. Often a person who has such a dream feels the impossibility of controlling the situation and sometimes feels a desire to start everything from scratch.
If you see dirty waves, be extremely careful when making decisions, as there is a high risk of making an irreparable mistake.
A dream in which you are completely covered by a large wave with dark, dirty water threatens with big troubles - from quarrels with loved ones to poor health. In addition, such a dream can signal a waste of time (money, effort). However, if in a dream you are carried away by a large wave with clear water and the situation does not frighten you, then all your undertakings will be crowned with success.
To see a tsunami in a dream - to scandals, losses and despair. Especially such dreams should be feared by married people, for a woman it is a sign of a quarrel with her mother-in-law, for a man - with a mother-in-law.
The most positive value for large waves that you control in a dream (perhaps conquer), this indicates imminent success and a favorable resolution of all problems.