If you are going to draw the sea, a blue pencil alone will not be enough for such work. After all, the water surface is monotonous only at first glance. If you look closely, you can see spots of a wide variety of shades on it. In order for the drawing of the sea to come out as realistic as possible, they must be noticed.

It is necessary
- - a piece of paper
- - simple pencil
- - a set of colored pencils.
Step 1
Use a 4T or 2T pencil. Mark the sheet, indicating the sizes of all future drawing objects. Using a light line, draw a line for the horizon, then sketch out the outlines of islands, rocks, ships, etc.
Step 2
Take a closer look at the color of the water surface that you are going to portray. You should notice a smooth transition from one shade to another. Their presence depends on several factors. First of all, the color is influenced by the depth of the sea in a separate area: in the shallows and near the coast, it will be lighter, since the color of the bottom will add to the color of the water. In addition, the landscape of the seabed surface is important: if there are depressions or hills under the water, then dark spots will be slightly noticeable on the water surface. Also, shadows of clouds and clouds can fall on the surface of the water, especially they are clearly visible in bright sun. Rocks, boat, ship, caught in the "frame", also change the color scale of the sea, casting a shadow.
Step 3
Pay attention also to the distance between you and the point you are going to draw. Water looks darker closer to the horizon.
Step 4
All these details and nuances can be seen even in a picture, photograph or postcard that you can pick up for sketching, for example, on the Internet.
Step 5
Apply color to the paper, having determined all the features listed above in advance. In the event that pencils, pastels or wax crayons are used for drawing, cover the paper with uniform strokes that make up a whole network. Use different shades and overlay strokes of different colors side by side, thus creating the illusion of mixing them. Leave only those areas that are covered with highlights not shaded.
Step 6
To make the image of the sea more realistic, draw large waves and small ripples on its surface. To do this, consider separately each rise of the wave and draw it in the same way as an ordinary volumetric object - using different shades to convey shadows, penumbra and highlights.