"Mafia" is a popular card game, the essence of which is that the players are divided into mafia and civilians. At night, the mafia wakes up and kills ordinary people, and during the day, residents must figure out which of them is the criminal. This can be difficult to do, because the mafia can skillfully hide and mislead.

Step 1
Of course, it is easier to recognize the mafia if you know the people sitting at the gaming table with you. Observe them, try to notice subtle differences from their usual behavior. If you know that your friend Vasya bites his lip when he convinces the teacher that he did not cheat on the exam, such behavior during the game is a reason to suspect him. In this case, you should not make sudden conclusions, perhaps the player is just worried.
Step 2
Pay attention to players who are not interested in participating in the discussion, they are looking out the window, straightening their clothes, checking their mobile phone. They may be just tired if you are already playing the tenth round, but, most likely, they are an inexperienced mafia who does not get involved in a heated discussion until no one accuses her.
Step 3
Watch carefully for players who do not make accusations on their own but are willing to support other players. The task of the mafia is not to attract attention to itself, so it prefers not to build accusations against others, so as not to accidentally betray itself. But he will willingly support a vote against a civilian, which will deflect suspicions from himself.
Step 4
Listen and memorize whatever the person says when convincing others that he is not a criminal. Any inconsistency in his words should lead you to suspicion.
Step 5
And, of course, unconscious body movements made by a person telling a lie will help you to recognize the mafia. It can be a gaze directed upward, a mouth covered with a palm, scratching the tip of the nose or eyelid, tugging on the earlobe. The mafia can fiddle with clothes, strands of hair, constantly touch objects lying on the table, pull back the collar of a shirt that has suddenly become tight. Pay attention of other players to these people, especially if before that they behaved calmly and relaxed.