Chess is not only a game, but also a full-fledged mental sport that develops strategic thinking and logical abilities. Every person who decides to learn how to play chess, or has already mastered the basic rules of the game, knows that the goal of the game process and the condition for winning is to check and checkmate the opponent. There are certain strategies that allow you to correctly check someone else's king, driving a piece onto a broken square.

Step 1
To declare a check, you can use any of your pieces on the field. If your king is in check, in the next course of the game you must bring him to a square where there is no battle, or cover it by placing your opponent's piece that threatens the king in the way.
Step 2
When leaving from under the check, you cannot cross the broken squares, and you also cannot leave by castling. If it is not possible to get out of check, the king is checkmated, and he loses the game. There are different types of check - for example, open check, when you declare a check with a piece behind another piece that you made a move to in order to open a line for a back piece to the opponent's king.
Step 3
You can also make a double check - for this you need to carry out an open check in the same way, but declare it with two pieces at once. Also, a double check can be declared with a piece and a pawn. The opponent will not be able to close himself off from a check of this type - all he can do is take one of your pieces with the king and try to leave the check.
Step 4
In some games, there is a situation of the so-called perpetual check - this happens when you declare the opponent's king in check, and after the opponent leaves from under the check, he is repeated as long as you like.
Step 5
A three-time repetition of perpetual check most often leads to a draw, which can be established according to the rules of chess after a request from one of the players. If you see that you are losing a game, you can reduce the loss to a draw by achieving a threefold repetition of the playing position.