A dreamed shirt often means news, however, such a dream can be interpreted by considering the color of the clothes. In addition to symbolic meanings, a shirt in a dream can also personify a person's behavior and character.

Sleep with a white shirt
A white shirt in a dream is most often a harbinger of wealth, good health and good news. Putting on a white shirt in a dream for a favorable situation that will soon develop in life. Also, such a dream symbolizes love - if a young man or girl sees himself in a white shirt in a dream, life will give them great love and a quick happy marriage.
If in a dream you take off your white shirt, you may be disappointed in terms of personal relationships and increased material wealth.
A dream with a large number of people wearing white shirts personifies issues that in reality require your close attention. A shirt with embroidered bright colors heralds a happy future and a cheerful life. If a man dreamed that he was wearing a men's shirt, in the near future he can change his beloved, who learns about the betrayal and will not forgive her to her chosen one. A torn white shirt dreams of various failures and the appearance of unpleasant people in your environment.
Sleep with a dark shirt
A dark men's shirt in a dream often reflects unpleasant thoughts and life disappointments of the person who sees this dream. If the shirt is dirty, troubles and life trials await you, which will clearly show you who you can consider your friend. Also, a dirty shirt can mean a hindrance to your endeavors or envy on the part of ill-wishers.
The dark short-sleeved shirt embodies a tough, active and uncompromising person who goes to the goal no matter what.
If in a dream you have to try on a dark-colored shirt, it means that life prepares you for trials and how you behave in a difficult situation will determine your future destiny. In a dream, choosing one specific from a variety of shirts means that in reality you should prepare for a difficult choice in which you will have to sacrifice something significant and expensive. If in a dream you tore your shirt, think about it - perhaps you offended your friend or loved one without even noticing it.
A shirt worn inside out in a dream symbolizes a catch that will knock the soil out from under your feet for a while. A dream in which a button comes off your shirt foreshadows the sudden loss of a friend or a break in love relationships, which will be caused by objective circumstances.