Beautiful singing has always fascinated people who do not have vocal skills since childhood, but everyone can learn to sing, moreover, everyone can choose the style in which they want to learn vocal. For example, jazz vocal looks spectacular and bright at any concert - it differs from academic and pop vocal in some features. If you decide to learn how to sing jazz, you should find out what its features are.

Step 1
Take the time to listen to internationally acclaimed jazz classics and listen to the jazz vocalists' performances. You will notice that jazz singing, as opposed to simple pop vocals, requires a vocalist to have a strong voice and a wide working range, as well as excellent hearing, a sense of rhythm and the ability to improvise. In addition, in jazz there are original techniques of sound production that cannot be found in other styles, and they are also worth mastering.
Step 2
Each person has great potential by nature, and therefore, even if your own voice seems weak to you, you can increase its strength and develop it with the help of special exercises and correct breathing. Pay enough attention to correct breathing - it is very important if you really want to learn to sing. Correct breathing formulation, the ability to use the resources of your lungs - all this will give your voice strength and volume.
Step 3
Learn to breathe separately with your belly, chest, and diaphragm. While singing and exercising, try to breathe, stressing your diaphragm and abdominals to relieve tension on your vocal cords and release your voice.
Step 4
In addition to being able to breathe, a jazz vocalist must be able to improvise. This skill is inseparable from the knowledge of musical literacy and the presence of melodic hearing. Learning to improvise is not easy - for this you must train your ear for music, as well as constantly exercise, improving your sense of rhythm in order to feel the rhythmic and harmonic nuances of music, including in them with your singing.
Step 5
Strive to ensure that your voice is as free and mobile as possible, try to imitate the sound of different instruments, intonate the musical parts, and quickly engage in changes in music. It is almost impossible to learn such improvisation from scratch if you study at home, so try to find a good jazz vocal teacher - under the competent guidance of a teacher, you will not only learn the technique of improvisation and improve your vocal skills, but also learn to sing correctly. Based on the knowledge gained from the teacher, you will be able to practice how to breathe correctly in the future, and your voice will be delivered by a professional.
Step 6
Do not forget to chant regularly during the learning process - chanting, in which you have to fall into the notes of the melody played on the piano, in the best way improves your hearing and contributes to the correct setting of the voice. The difference from ordinary chants here is only in the fact that you are not repeating the major and minor scales, but the blues scale.
Step 7
You need to learn to feel this scale in parallel with the familiar scales used by ordinary vocalists. Start singing jazz with simple songs that do not require a high level of skill and a wide vocal range. As you learn, gradually increase the complexity of the songs you perform.