The beginning of such a major literary work as a novel influences the reader's perception of the entire work. From the very first pages one can appreciate the talent of the author and the interestingness of the book. You can grab the reader's attention from the very first pages with the help of a few simple tricks.

Step 1
Do not under any circumstances start by describing the weather or nature. Lyrical digressions are possible in some cases during the course of the action, but in no case before it begins. Immediately describe the actions of the heroes, they show the character.
Step 2
Pay minimum attention to the appearance of the characters. Indicate only those features that are appropriate to indicate and which will affect the further course of events.
Step 3
Create a conflicting image of the hero. The logic in his behavior must be traced, but at the same time, for some obvious or hidden reasons, he must break it. The reader should guess about the reasons for the hero's behavior, sympathize with him.
Step 4
Avoid cliches and clichés, even if they seem very pretty to you. Experiment right up to creating new words and phrases. Read aloud what you have already written, for yourself or others.
Step 5
Read about what you write about. For all the novelty of your composition, in this genre, about this era, on this topic, in this style has already been written. Study the handwriting of other authors, note the disadvantages and advantages, compile, create your own style.
Step 6
Compose several start options that are radically different. Change places, times, people. Hone your craft. Then select and refine the best intro.