How To Cut Music From Video

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How To Cut Music From Video
How To Cut Music From Video

Video: How To Cut Music From Video

Video: How To Cut Music From Video
Video: How to Edit to the Beat | Cut & Sync Footage to Music in Adobe Premiere Pro CC for a Cinematic Feel 2024, December

Sometimes it happens that you get a video file that contains a song, mix or some fragment of dialogue that you really need. It is inconvenient to play a video every time, for some purposes this method is generally inapplicable. Therefore, it becomes necessary to cut music from the video. There are several ways to do this.

It is possible to cut music from a video using improvised means
It is possible to cut music from a video using improvised means

It is necessary

Computer, AIMP program or any audio editor


Step 1

You can convert your file using the Audio Converter utility that is installed along with the popular AIMP audio player. To do this, open AIMP, in the top menu bar, find the "Utilities" tab, in it the "Audio Converter" item. A window of this utility will open in front of you.

Step 2

Click the button with the image of the folder to be opened ("Add") and specify in the window that opens the location of the video file from which you want to extract the music.

Step 3

At the bottom of the window, find the line "Exit". Specify the path to the directory where you want to save the audio track.

Step 4

In the line "Encoders" select the encoding format of the future audio file (mp3 is quite suitable) and bit rate. The higher the bitrate, the higher the sound quality in the track. But remember that it cannot be higher than the original one, even if you set a high bitrate value.

Step 5

Now press the "Start" button. The program will start converting. When it is completed, you will receive your audio file in the directory that you specified in the settings.

Step 6

If for some reason you cannot convert using AIMP (for example, if you need to cut music from a video on the Internet), record the audio track using sound recording on your computer. If your audio fragment lasts no longer than one minute, you can do it using standard Windows tools ("Standard Programs" - "Entertainment" - "Sound Recorder"). Otherwise, use some kind of audio editor (for example, Sound Forge or any other).

Step 7

Specify in the settings of the sound recording program your sound card as a sound recording device, turn on the volume, set it to a medium level. Do not forget to specify in the settings of your sound card that the “Primary input” of your sound card will be responsible for the sound recording. Then press the "Rec" button and start playing the video file from where you want your final track to start. The program will record the sound. You just have to stop recording at the right time and save the audio track to a file.
