Before making a beautiful bouquet yourself, you need to know some of the nuances of composing bouquets, such as the choice of the shape of the bouquet and compatibility in color and the portability of flowers to each other. The shape of the bouquet can be round, one-sided and flowing down. As for compatibility, it must be remembered that lilies do not get along with poppies, cornflowers and daisies, and lilies of the valley, daffodils and carnations feel best separately, without other flowers, not counting the arrangement. And be sure to make a bouquet of an odd number of flowers.

It is necessary
- - flowers of different shades of the same color;
- - decorative greenery;
- - gift wrap.
Step 1
In order to learn how to make the most beautiful bouquet, you can consider drawing up a round bouquet, which is called "Biedermeier", consisting of matching flowers framed by wrapping fabric or paper.
Step 2
For such a bouquet, take flowers of different shades of the same color. If these are roses, then it is better to remove thorns and extra leaves from the stems. Choose the largest flower, hold it in your left hand, and with your right, choosing the appropriate flowers, place them to the first flower so that they are just below it, forming a circle. Thus, the first circle will take you from 3 to 6 flowers. It all depends on how big the bouquet you want to make. Then form the next circle, which will be slightly lower than the previous one. The number of circles depends on how many flowers you have. Flowers of different shades should be placed in circles, alternating evenly, guided by their own taste.
Step 3
When you finish laying the flowers in circles, you will see that the bouquet resembles a sphere in shape. Tie the stems about halfway up, not too tightly, but not loosely, otherwise the bouquet will lose shape. Now arrange with greenery. In Biedermeier, you can simply arrange the green leaves around the edge of the sphere in the form of a border. Greens also need to be tied. When finished forming the bouquet, carefully cut the stems, leaving them about 20 centimeters long.
Step 4
For packaging, you can use organza, lace, cellophane or corrugated paper - it all depends on what you have at hand. Choose packaging that matches the color of the bouquet. So white packaging is suitable for pink flowers of various shades. Gather paper or tissue for packaging in your hands with an accordion, insert your bouquet into it and tie it as high as possible. Spread the bottom of the package well along the stems. It can be left like this, in the form of a "skirt" (if it is organza or cellophane), or you can tie it at the very bottom, leaving 2-3 centimeters of stems outside. Decorate the place tied at the top with a beautiful ribbon. Your bouquet is ready.