Do-it-yourself Beautiful Decorative Plaster From Ordinary Putty

Do-it-yourself Beautiful Decorative Plaster From Ordinary Putty
Do-it-yourself Beautiful Decorative Plaster From Ordinary Putty

One of the most original ways to decorate walls is, of course, finishing with decorative plaster. This material looks great on the walls and ceilings, but, unfortunately, it is also expensive. Owners of apartments and houses can save on finishing by making decorative plaster from putty with their own hands.

Decorative plaster from putty
Decorative plaster from putty

One of the features of the putty is its rather viscous structure, in comparison with plaster. Therefore, when used for decorative design of surfaces, it should be applied not too thickly. If this rule is not observed, the wall may subsequently become covered with cracks.

Manufacturing methods

Experts have developed many technologies for decorative plastering of walls with putty. But most often, surfaces are made out when using such a tool:

  • using stencils;
  • with textured newspaper staining.

Also, very often, craftsmen make beautiful Venetian decorative plaster from ordinary putty.

Using a stencil

When applying the first method from the list of plasterers-painters, a stencil is made at the initial stage. You can make such a device from plywood or thick cardboard.

The stencil drawing is easiest to find on the Internet and print on thin paper. The sheet with the pattern is then simply glued onto a piece of cardboard and the pattern is cut out with sharp scissors.

Actually, the plastering process itself in this case will look like this:

  1. A little acrylic dye and color scheme are added to the finishing putty.
  2. Apply the composition evenly to the walls and wait for it to dry.
  3. Cover the walls with a primer and also wait for it to dry.
  4. A stencil is applied to the wall and a white putty is applied to it, forming a pattern.
  5. As soon as the putty of the pattern dries up, remove the stencil from the wall.

At the final stage, when using this technique, the sharp edges of the resulting patterns are softened with fine sandpaper.

How to make decorative plaster from putty using a newspaper

When using this simple method, you need to crumple the newspaper and put a cellophane bag on its end so that it does not get wet when working in your hand. Next, putty should be applied to the walls with a layer of 3 millimeters.

After the putty layer thickens slightly, but does not set, apply a texture to the walls with a newspaper. Instead of a newspaper, when using this technique, it is allowed to use crumpled polyethylene. In this case, the surface texture will be slightly different.

Venetian decoration

To imitate Venetian decorative plaster, the putty is tinted at the first stage and applied to the walls with a layer of a couple of millimeters. Further:

  1. The base layer is cleaned with a spatula;
  2. Cover the wall with a colorless primer;
  3. The putty composition is prepared again, divided into two parts and painted in different colors that are in harmony with each other;
  4. Apply the prepared putty to the base layer with wide strokes in different directions.

At the final stage, walls decorated in this way are covered with wax or a thin layer of varnish.
