In August of last year, the developers of the currently incredibly popular game Avataria created a new system of punishment for dishonest players. Prior to this innovation, the order was monitored exclusively by moderators, but now this duty falls on the shoulders of the Guardians.

The first thing to remember for everyone who wants to become a Guardian in the Avatar game is that only a player who has reached level 15 can get this status. If you are at a lower level, then you do not have this opportunity. As soon as you start playing the game, you are an ordinary resident, since your reputation does not exceed 25 points, however, if you follow the order and complain about certain actions of the players, you will be able to go through all eight stages of the game to the desired "Guardian" status. …
To gain reputation faster, you need to send daily complaints about spam, flooding, player swearing, and so on. Important: complaints must be sent to messages written in the general chat. Do not disregard and insult players, their offers for gold to give them their phone number or any other information. Complaining about a message in large letters in a chat will also add three points to your reputation. Pay attention to the nicknames of the players, and if you notice a violation of the rules (for example, the nickname contains an obscene word) - send a complaint. To do this, open the player's passport and left-click on the red flag opposite the name.
Remember, complaints can also be filed if the player creates an event that violates the rules of the game. Searching for spam, flooding and other things must be approached with the utmost seriousness, in no case do not send complaints if you are not sure that the rules of the game have been violated, because for unreasonable complaints, reputation is reduced, and for each - by four points. The same amount will subtract one day of inactivity. It is not worthwhile to build up your reputation, because if you find out such a fact, you will simply be "banned".
It may seem that building a reputation is easy, but it is not. To become a Guardian, you must have a reputation of at least 550 points. And in order to achieve it, you need to go through the following steps:
Resident (reputation up to 25), at this stage there are no bonuses or restrictions.
Observer (reputation is strictly from 25 to 65), at this stage the first reward appears - the probability of game resources increases by as much as 20%.
Assistant (reputation from 65 to 110), the next bonus is added to the previous bonus - when buying a vip status, the number of days increases by one. For example, you buy a status for five days, and in the end it will be valid for six.
Guardian (your reputation should be between 110 and 190). At this stage, there is a bonus - luck with each mini-game "Wheel of Fortune".
Citizen. As soon as your reputation reaches 190, then you automatically receive this status, and to it a bonus in the form of a 5 percent discount in Avatar stores.
Activist. You will be able to move to this stage after your reputation "oversteps" the mark of 270 points. Here you will also receive the Top Active Players bonus.
The sentinel is the next step that you need to go through in order to become a Guardian. You will approach your goal one step as soon as the milestone of 460 points is passed. At this stage, you will have the opportunity to create events with stars.
The Guardian is the last step that you should overcome to the Guardian (stage bonus - unlimited number of nicknames). As soon as the reputation is above 550, then your goal will be achieved and you can be content with the long-awaited status.