Playing with dolls in many ways contributes to the development of thrift and maternal care in girls. You want your beloved doll to have everything like people have - home, furnishings, dishes, outfits, but you don't always have the opportunity to purchase all of this. Fortunately, many things, such as a sofa for a doll, can be made by hand.

Soft sofa for a doll
For the manufacture of a sofa, you will need foam sponges for washing dishes, preferably of different sizes and fabric. It is better to choose thick fabric, corduroy, teak, satin, furniture flock, but if they are not there, any will do.
From the sponges, you need to lay out the required outlines of the sofa. It is convenient to work with them, since one side is usually denser - this will be the lower part of the base. Armrests can be made of two parts, and a sofa back can be made of a couple. Some of the jaws can be rounded off with scissors. To fix the result, it is convenient to use a long needle with a thread - to sew through the foam rubber and fasten it in several places.
Then from the fabric you need to cut out several parts of a suitable size and wrap the foam rubber. It is convenient to cut a long strip, from one armrest to another, and wrap the base together with the back. Then close the side armrests separately. All parts are sewn with a short needle and thread of a suitable color. If a girl has skills in working with a needle, it is quite possible to entrust this matter to her.
Sofa with "wooden" armrests or backrest
In the same way, you can make a sofa or bed with a "wooden" back, legs or armrests. To do this, you need to cut out suitable parts from thick cardboard, the openwork ones with holes in the back or side parts look very impressive. If the cardboard is thin, it is better to use 2-3 layers, you can add a layer of padding polyester for softness. Then you need to attach this piece to self-adhesive paper of "wooden" (or any other) color and cut it out, leaving a 3-4 cm allowance from the edges. Bend these edges gently and glue, making cuts at the corners and roundings.
Then attach the part with the other side to the same paper - and cut it out without any allowances. The result is a ready-made back or side of a "wooden" color, strong enough for a doll's bed.
If all the parts of the sofa are made of cardboard, you can simply glue them together with tape or the same self-adhesive paper. If it becomes necessary to connect the sponge mattress with the "wooden" headboards, you can simply sew them through, since the cardboard is also easily pierced with a needle.
Small pillows made of the same fabric, a soft blanket with tassels give the sofa a very cozy look. With a little skill, you can learn how to make folding, corner sofas, armchairs, models with a built-in table or drawers (for example, from matchboxes).